Seville Feline Medicine Working Group addresses frustrating diarrhea in cats

15 clinical veterinarians from the province shared their experiences on stress management, dietary management and antiparasitic treatments as well as diagnosing primary causes.

Seville Feline Medicine Working Group addresses frustrating diarrhea in cats

The second meeting was held last Thursday, February 15. Online The Feline Medicine Working Group of Veterinarians registered at the College of Veterinarians of Seville, where the topic “Depressing diarrhea in cats” was discussed, was attended by 15 clinical veterinarians from the province of Seville.

The session focused on kittens under three months of age, many of them feral cats, who had been transferred to foster homes and were suffering from chronic diarrhea. During the round table, attendees were able to share their experiences on stress management, dietary management and antiparasitic treatment, as well as diagnosing the primary causes of these annoying diarrhea, which are sometimes very serious for the feline patient.

Proposed topic for next meeting Online, which will be held next March 14 at 2:00 pm, will be “Feline Colonies”. Part one”. The issue of cat colonies will be discussed under the new regulatory framework on animal welfare in a cycle of several meetings, which will serve to answer questions from pet owners and city councils.

The dates of the monthly meetings can be found in the web training calendar of the College of Veterinarians of Seville. Online Looking forward to celebrating. Members interested in joining the Feline Medicine Group can write to Or register through this form.


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