She is selected at the national level, studies medicine and wants to be Miss Chile: “I want to win”

Fencer, medical student and now Miss Universe contestant. These are the disciplines that Ignatia Sifuentes will want to work on to shine during the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games To gain the crown in one of the most important beauty pageants in the world.

In conversation with Us Chile, the 22-year-old athlete revealed the details of his participation in the said competition and how he plans to become the winner: “We should present a social project and I am going to do it by combining it with my work, which is sports and medicine.”He claimed.

– What inspired you to enter Miss Universe? Did you ever expect to be involved in a competition like this?

– Well, they sent it to me and told that there are some conditions in it. The truth is that my family has always encouraged me to participate in these types of competitions, so I said: “Now, I’m going to join in.” I got selected, so I am very happy.

– You mentioned that you would like to talk about medicine in the competition: what plan do you have to win?

– You have to submit a social project for the competition. I’m going to tie it into what I do, which is sports, and also medicine, but I think I’m going to direct it more towards sports. How sports life affects children, all the doors that can be opened and how those doors keep opening, because unfortunately sports activities are being seen less and less in schools. The idea is to speed it up a bit and take advantage of Santiago 2023’s engagement with people.

-And what is your plan regarding medicine?

– With medicine I was thinking about taking it more to what hospitals are, how this issue is handled in public hospitals and how little access some people or a class of people have in Chile.

– According to you, what could be the main points in the competition?

– Well, I believe we all have many strengths, but I think sports and medicine have given me discipline, which means doing something sacred every day. I’ve been in this for 12 years and have had to leave a lot of things behind, so the spirit of competition is very deep inside me, it’s not something that will harm me. And also my will to win, my motivation, everything I think I have.

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