She pretended to be sick and raped a doctor on duty at an outpatient clinic in Maturin

She pretended to be sick and raped a doctor on duty at an outpatient clinic in Maturin

On the morning of this Friday, January 26, a person, who has not yet been identified, entered the Type II urban outpatient clinic located in the densely populated Sabana Grande sector in Maturin, who appeared to be ill, who had Overpowered the two doctors present.

By: correspondent

According to preliminary information, the alleged anti-social man, who was under the influence of drugs, overpowered the medical professionals and tied them up, sexually assaulting one of them.

According to data received by the Directorate of Strategic and Tactical Actions (DAET), one of the doctors was stabbed by the criminal, leaving him seriously injured. The current condition of the victim is unknown.

Today Saturday morning, a large number of members of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps (CICPC) were deployed in the area to hunt down and arrest the person responsible for the incident. Since no complaint was made the authorities were informed yesterday itself as to what happened.

It was learned that on the night of January 27, CCPC detectives were in the area in search of the alleged rapist.

Worth noting is that the health care center does not have security personnel and in addition, the said clinic also lacks lighting, the hallways remain dark due to light bulbs burning out as a result of power fluctuations in the sector.


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