Six Family Medicine residents were honored in the Southern Health Region of Seville

six resident doctors characteristic of Family and Community Medicine The Southern Health Management Zone of Seville has been awarded 45th National Congress of Semergen (In the category of Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians) investigation project, This award recognizes Interest and contribution A study on the appropriate use and update on prescription of a drug with high levels of consumption: proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for gastric acid reflux.

The authors of the research are residents who have developed their own training Primary Care Health Center Several municipalities were integrated into the Health Management Region Southern of Seville: Dos Hermanas, Alcalá de Guadaira and Utrera. To two sisters they link Macarena Quintanilla Through Donna Mercedes Health Center, Maria Regla Alvarez Oliver De Quinto and fandila sanchez To St. Hilary. for its part, Alcalá de Guadaira are residents carolina franco From the health center of the campo de las betas and iris poo Don Paulino García from the Donas Center; While Antonio Vizcaya corresponds to the center of Utrera Sur.

The title of the award winning work is Effectiveness of training in the synthetic index of consumption of proton pump inhibitors in medical professionals of health centers in the South Health Management Region of Seville, It is coordinated by Ana María Mateos, research advisor for residents of said medical specialization in this health area and the Provincial Multi-Professional Teaching Unit for Family and Community Care. Apart from this it has also been advised carmen almeidaFrom the Statistics and Research Methodology Unit of the said health sector.

The author starts from the fact that in recent years it has been represented Increased consumption of PPI drugs After its revolution in the treatment of diseases associated with gastric acid, thus the role of surgery diminished. In particular, they highlight that PPIs are one of the most frequently prescribed drugs, with prescription rates 70% higher than the European average.

After confirming this high rate of consumption in the southern health zone of Seville, reasons emerged based on several studies: Aging of the population, self-medication, high consumption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), empirical treatment of minor gastric conditions, lack of periodic review of treatment and misconception of safety.

Precisely, they influence false belief of harmlessness, which is consistent with the idea of ​​effective drugs that are well tolerated by patients and have mild and rare side effects in short-term use. However, they emphasize its long-term use: “It is not free from serious adverse effects for patients such as: risk of bone fractures, hypomagnesemia, kidney damage, C. difficile infection and pneumonia, etc.”

Promote correct use and prescription of PPIs

These two factors (high prevalence of PPI prescription and its long-term inadequacy) prompted the study authors to shed light on this. There is a need to improve the training of professionals Promote rational use of PPIs, thus reducing their long-term risks.

As a result, they highlight the usefulness of interventions carried out in practice to promote updating and correct use in this health sector. For this, an action was taken based on the distribution of support materials and individual training sessions over three months in six health centers with data collected two months after the last session. These training sessions were given by researchers in the following health centers of the Southern Health Management Region of Seville: Campo de las Beatas (Alcalá de Guadaira), Paulino García Donas (Alcalá de Guadaira), Doña Mercedes (Dos Hermanas), Utrera Sur (Utrera ), San Hilario (Dos Hermanas) and Montequinto (Dos Hermanas).

With this intervention, the study demonstrates the effectiveness of updating knowledge on this topic, increasing awareness among professionals about the high rates of PPI consumption and its potentially serious long-term adverse effects, and promoting the correct use and prescription of medications .


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