Squat: Instruction Book for Basic Exercises health and wellness

Pay attention to a baby when he starts walking or pay attention to a girl when she plays on the floor at home. We have been doing squats continuously since childhood. This is a natural feeling. Just think, how many times a day do you get up and sit down from your chair? Have you bent down to pick up an item from the floor?

Exercises related to daily activities are of great interest in the development and research of physical exercise. The squat represents components of everyday functional gestures, such as walking, climbing, descending stairs, sitting, and standing. Studies show how appropriate stance width and foot placement angle should be chosen according to the range of motion of specific joints (knee, hip or ankle).

Aaron Horschig, Ph.D., strength and conditioning coach, dedicates his work to helping find processes to not only reduce training-related pain, but also help users achieve their actual Help in finding out the potential.

As the author of the book squat bible And Dr. Horschig, founder of SquatUniversity.com, has managed to adapt his techniques to improve sports performance in the general population. As he explains in his work: “Without mastering the simplest movement patterns, there is no way to reach the maximum physical potential that Socrates wrote about. Unless we change our perspective and become experts when it comes to our physical bodies, moving better before trying to move further, we will continue to fall short of our potential. And we will continue to see an increase in injuries. “All these changes start with squats.”

Research has shown that squats are an effective exercise for developing hip, knee and ankle muscles. Now the question is how to do it right? “A good clumsy There are three factors: the legs remain stable with the body weight distributed over the tripod, the knees remain aligned with the feet (without sinking the knees) and the torso remains stable, with no excessive movement in the spine.

debunking myths

There are varying beliefs when it comes to incorporating and implementing this sentiment in the training room. Our expert destroys them. These are some examples:

  • “If you do them deeper, your knees will hurt.”, This is one of the most commonly heard phrases in the gym and is used paradoxically by both clients and some professionals. According to the expert: “The squat Deep exercises do not harm the knees when performed with proper technique, appropriate loads are planned and adapted to a specific training period. The body can handle these forces very well and without great risk of injury. When improper technique is employed and/or too high a load is used – more than the individual can bear – the risk of injury increases.’
  • “The knees should extend beyond the toes.”, According to Dr. Horschig, “Science has shown that healthy athletes’ knees are relatively safe when performing deep squats. This research cannot be denied. As long as excessive loading is limited and good technique is used, the knees should extend beyond the toes at the bottom of the squat so that the hips can fully bend down.
  • while making a clumsyRespect established technology, but which one is appropriate? While training, many people in the gym ask themselves the following question: should their toes be pointed forward or at an angle? “When it comes to toe angle there is no one position that is better than another. However, most people should squat As a general recommendation, use a bar with your feet turned out between 10 and 30 degrees. Always use the position that is most comfortable for your body. Your musculoskeletal system speaks, sending signals: If something hurts, don’t do it. The exercise should not cause any aches or pains. Remember: No two squats look exactly alike. This is normal. “You and your friend are expected to adopt different postures while lifting the bar,” explains the expert.
  • The ankle and its great underestimated power, Squats are a complete exercise that involves hip mobility as well as ankle mobility. The latter is often left aside. As Horschig admits: “Limitations of ankle mobility are almost the number one problem that hinders good technique.” The author clarifies the following in his work: “If you want to do a good deep squat, your knee has to move forward over the toe, which requires mobility in the ankle. So if you have range of motion limitations (range of motion in this joint). “His chest is going to fall forward.” You can see a proposal for mobility exercises for this joint here.

In a training room, as in life, squatting will be said in fashion Sure, basic. We do this in many daily tasks without even realizing it. As Horschig explains in his book squat bible: “When we talk about squats, many people often want to talk directly about barbell squats. We forget the fundamentals of the bodyweight squat. If we don’t try the squat movement first before its exercise version, we are set up for failure. If we can solve the problems that arise during bodyweight squats, we will give ourselves a greater ability to lift the weight of the bar. We should all be able to do a deep squat, in which we reach the lowest possible position without using any weight. place. We all want to live, play and compete pain-free throughout our lives. “It starts with learning how to squat correctly by increasing your body weight.”

In this sense, our expert is clear about what advice he will give you to train and carry out them well: “Take your time and do not rush to gain weight. Always pay attention to form before adding load.

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(TagstoTranslate)Sports(T)Health(T)Physical exercise(T)Knee(T)Health(T)Physiotherapy(T)Scientific research

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