Stabbings among medical students: “They make the list”

If there is something that everyone has in common medical student to touch academic completion to reach you dream career However, upon entering college, the characteristic that often sets them apart from the rest turns every student into ‘another’ in the class. And they are no longer ‘the best’, because the rest of their colleagues are also ‘the best’ has been on top in terms of grades in his years Secondary Education, Graduation and EBAU. The question is, how does this affect coexistence in the classroom? Is there rivalry or competitiveness among students who, as a rule, tend to excel?

Pedro began his university career this year and first year of college No rivalry has been identified between colleagues. He describes the atmosphere in his class as “very good”, adding, “There are no ‘bad feelings’, we all get along well.” throughoutexam period, Details that are sent to them daily through the WhatsApp group of first year students notes Or relevant questions that everyone faces”.

He is also willing to share with other medical students whatever they need. “I i usually lend my notes Or anything you have that might be useful to others,” he explains. Based on what he’s seen so far, he also believes that – at least at his university – it The majority sentiment is: “In such a demanding career we all want approval And that’s why we are very sympathetic towards each other. I don’t see any kind of competitiveness nor do I compare myself with anyone.And”.

“In a challenging career like medicine, we all want to pass and that is why we sympathize with each other.”

In fact, you don’t even have to think about third parties to give an illustrative example of this. friendship that lasts in your class, He himself combines his medical career with work and sometimes this also happens can’t go to university, “Sometimes I skip classes and always I depend on a classmate to leave notes Or tell me what the teachers said,” he says. These dynamics intensify in the final ‘sprint’ of each semester, when more students decide to skip class to study, as those who attend school school of medicine “They give warnings about important things that have been explained.”

Competitiveness in the sixth year of medicine

Status of Daniel This is something different. he is currently studying sixth and last year Is on the same level and also defines the classroom environment as “good”, but admits that there are sometimes “bickering” between classmates. Although generally there is no problem with ‘traffic’ of notes among students, which they themselves define “affiliate company”, It also believes that “most people “is distributed among their groups of friends”And there are known cases in which “Notes for missed class have been requested and have been denied.”

Although these situations are out of his control, Daniel has also seen closely how some students have treated him aiming to harm others: “I have met coworkers who have ‘withdrawn’ steps or reported situations like this the majority benefited Because they considered it ‘immoral,'” he says. What they have experienced is “in their flesh” Unfortunate comments from other students, Like the one he got just a few weeks ago. “A co-worker told me this Going to 9 was not within my reach, but it was within his reach.“, Memorization.

Privately, he admits that all these issues have changed his perception of his colleagues over the years. ,I feel like I have to compete with them and I compare myself with them.“, he says, and adds that the ‘climate’ that is breathed in the classroom also encourages these feelings: “There are classmates who make the list of those who get the best grades. That they compete and beat them in the next one and the peers who go to the exam review with an 8.5 because they consider it a bad grade,” he says.

“There are classmates who list those who have better grades than them in order to compete and beat them in the next exam”

In his opinion, the root problem lies in the functioning of the medicine degree. ,The system is structured in such a way that we can compete among the worst“, he says, since “There is no big incentive For those who get better grades or for those who improve. Beyond respect, “he is deprived of much recognition.” “Like in sports there is no healthy competition here, but a healthy competition underground competition in which everyone tortures themselves in their own way” he concluded.

Self-demand among future doctors

Isabel is also at the last stage of happiness University degreeAnd his experience is a kind of ‘middle ground’ between Pedro’s and Daniel’s experiences. Notes are also not the cause of rivalry in their class, And that the copy shops near their faculty have updated copies of most of the subjects. She herself assures that she is always ready to spare her classmates everything they need. He explains, “I don’t gain anything from keeping something if I know it’s good and I can help someone else.”

The word ‘competition’ also exists for this student medical career, However in his opinion “people are very competitive but with themselves, they don’t burden the rest,” he says. Based on his own experience and the experience of those closest to him, he observed that ““Everyone tries to do their best and see how far they go, but without involving others.” Personally, Isabel also feels part of that dynamic, because in each exam she tries to give her best with the “sole purpose” of feeling that she has learned something useful that will be useful in her job. future practice as a doctor And that, above all, Provide benefit to the patient.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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