This Tuesday, March 19, it is quoted as

This Tuesday, March 19, it is quoted as

This is why these places are favorites for travelers and savers to convert their local currency into foreign currency and thus be able to travel to other destinations or protect their assets in another currency. Keep in mind that these institutions do not set their prices according to any official entity, but are instead defined … Read more

They Pay Up to $8 Million for This Unique Silver Dollar

They Pay Up to  Million for This Unique Silver Dollar

numismatics It is in charge of collecting old coins and banknotes or coins with certain distinctive characteristics. Thanks to this exercise it is possible to establish the social, cultural and economic conditions in which these pieces were created. Large sums are paid for some samples. Wealth And this is a matter of currency we are … Read more

The US currency that was auctioned for about $14,000

The US currency that was auctioned for about ,000

numismatics This includes the collection of old coins and bills or coins having certain peculiarities that make them interesting to buyers. Through this exercise it is possible to determine the social, cultural and economic value of certain pieces within the country where they were minted. In this case it is a currency Which is attracting … Read more