The Mexican peso suffered losses this Friday due to new US inflation data being worse than expected.

The Mexican peso suffered losses this Friday due to new US inflation data being worse than expected.

EFE LATAM VIDEO Navalny’s death in jail has put Putin in trouble Moscow, February 16 (EFE).- The sudden death in prison of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, confirmed by prison services, has thrown Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin, who for years declared war on the democratic opposition, into trouble . First. The official statement of the … Read more

Dollar in Mexico Today: Bad luck for the superweight? This is how the dollar is trading this Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Dollar in Mexico Today: Bad luck for the superweight?  This is how the dollar is trading this Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Bad luck for supervets? This is how the dollar rises this Tuesday, February 13, 2024 In international markets the Mexican peso is quoted at around 17.17 pesos per dollar. This represents a “depreciation” or “loss” of eleven cents for our currency. Well, comparing to the previous day, Monday, February 12th –In which the value of … Read more