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Navalny’s death in jail has put Putin in trouble

Moscow, February 16 (EFE).- The sudden death in prison of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, confirmed by prison services, has thrown Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin, who for years declared war on the democratic opposition, into trouble . First. The official statement of the penitentiary services said, “The necessary resuscitation procedures were carried out, which did not yield any results. Emergency doctors confirmed the death of the condemned man. The causes of death are being investigated.” Navalny, who died aged 47, returned to Russia in early 2021 after being poisoned with the chemical agent Novichok months earlier in Siberia, an attack that Navalny himself said was a direct order from Putin. Navalny’s death caught the Russian leader in the middle of an election work trip to the city of Chelyabinsk, 1,200 kilometers south of the crash site, with no comment about it. Sudden death Penitentiary services reported that on Friday, after a walk in the IK-3 penitentiary in the Arctic town of Jarp (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District), where today thermometers read more than 20 degrees below zero, the opposition politician “felt bad”. and “He fainted.” According to hospital services in the town of Labitnangui, located in the Arctic Circle, emergency medical teams immediately responded to the call from the prison and tried to revive him “for more than half an hour”. “However, the patient died,” he told the Interfax agency. Subsequently, the penitentiary services announced the sending of a commission of prison officers and doctors from their central apparatus to Moscow to clarify the causes and circumstances of the death of the most famous prisoner of this country. Navalny’s health had already caused great concern when he went on hunger strike between March and April 2021 in protest against his refusal to be treated by doctors outside the rival prison services, in which weeks he lost much of his weight. Was. The cold and punishment cells of the Arctic, as in the times of the Soviet Gulag or tsarist katorgas Navalny was transferred in December from one prison less than 200 kilometers from Moscow to another prison in the Arctic on the other side of the Ural mountain range Was. According to the opposition, the reason was his decision to launch a national campaign against Putin’s re-election in the March presidential elections immediately after registering his candidacy to remain in the Kremlin for the next six years. According to human rights organizations, transfer to another prison, commonly known as “atapirovanie”, is a process in which a prisoner is kept incommunicado for weeks, which represents brutal physical and psychological exhaustion for the prisoner. Is. Their destination, a prison named after the “Polar Wolf”, is considered one of the furthest prisons from civilization in all of Russia, as it is about 2,000 kilometers from Moscow, or about 45 hours by train from the Russian capital. situated at. Dmitry Muratov, 2021 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, wrote, “Alexey Navalny suffered three years of torment and torture. As Navalny’s doctor told me: The body can’t stand it.” opposition leader’s prison sentence” and believed his death was a “direct result” of his 27 stays “in punishment cells” for various violations. Fingers of blame at Putin As soon as the death was announced, several Western leaders criticized the Kremlin. The opposition leader’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya, assured that Putin and his entourage “will be brought to justice and that day will come soon.” “For many years (…) we Or can’t trust their government. They lie constantly. But if it is true, I would like Putin and everyone around him – his government, his friends – to know that they will be punished within the framework of the Munich Peace Conference. “They destroyed our country, my family and my husband,” she said. What have you done with it?” Rival and world chess champion Garry Kasparov, who lives in the United States, went even further by maintaining that “Putin is Navalny’s murderer”, a charge supported by the United States, the European Union, and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky. . While the Kremlin called for patience, the Russian Foreign Ministry urged the United States not to make baseless allegations until the results of the autopsy are known. “The death of a person is always a tragedy…. Instead of making unnecessary allegations, we should show restraint and wait for the official results of the autopsy,” the ministry said in a statement. Despite fear of police repression, many Russians laid bouquets of flowers at monuments to victims of political repression throughout the country. (c) EFE Agency

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