Telecom Bureau calls Liberty to hearing to investigate AT&T customer migration process

He telecommunications bureau (NET) Public Service Regulatory Board ordered to hold an investigative hearing to investigate the migration process of AT&T customers FreedomAfter completion of the purchase of its assets.

In addition to Liberty representatives, the presence of the Independent Office for Consumer Protection (OIPC) was also requested to represent affected customers.

The hearing was scheduled for February 28 at 10:00 am in the Board’s hearing room in Santurce.

“We have decided to call Liberty Mobile for an investigative hearing to hold it accountable and address the conditions faced by consumers in the migration process.”expressed ferdinand ramos sogardNET’s interim president said in a press release.

According to what was told, Net will try to find out how management has been before and after the migration, the number of customers affected and adequate notification to consumers who have used Liberty before and after the transition. Apart from this, they will also hear the corrective measures taken by the company, if there is any mitigation plan and how to compensate the consumers for the loss.

Similarly, the bureau asked Liberty to report whether it extended credit to customers in San Juan, Trujillo Alto and Carolina They experienced a disruption in internet service on December 9, 2023, when more than 28,000 consumers did not receive service for 12 hours. If a credit is given, the agency will ask you to explain how it was given.

The subpoena for the hearing came amid the investigation process, which is being conducted by NET through October 2023, after the OIPC requested to hear how Liberty handled the migration process of the customers it inherited from AT&T. while doing. The purchase of its operations in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands more than three years ago.

Problems people faced included interruption of data service for calls and text messaging and accessing the internet. Similarly, they experience the inability to use roaming services when they are outside of Puerto Rico, among other issues.

It was reported that NET declared Liberty Mobile’s request to dismiss the investigation request as “unacceptable”.

(TagstoTranslate)Independent Office of Consumer Protection(T)Liberty Puerto Rico(T)AT&T(T)Telecommunications Bureau

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