The 6 colors of health: how to choose summer fruits and vegetables that improve your health

summer, summer, argentina atlantic coast, beach, sport, physical activity, health and wellness, physical exercise, aerobic, fat loss – (Illustration Image Infobae)

He Fruits and vegetables are healthy, It doesn’t have any message. However, there are essential points before this type of foodSince you can too Know its health benefits based on its color, Therefore, it is encouraged to “Colored Plates” To Enjoy all the nutrients.

“The Fresh Fruits and Vegetables They taste good, and if they are in season they are cheap,” the doctor told Infobae. Alberto Cormilot (MN 24,518), renowned Argentine doctor, health teacher, author and lecturer specializing in obesity. In that sense, he highlighted that “use seasonal products, Everyone Season “It gives us more health benefits, because they are of the best quality, they have all the nutrients and we can get them at a better price.”

In that sense, the expert highlighted that “these Eat can be classified by Colors: red, yellow-orange, light green, dark green, white, and blue-violet, from specific chemical substances that absorb light in the visible spectrum And that’s how they create different colors. “Are chemical substances called Phytonutrients or Phytochemicals And each of these colorful compounds acts in a different way to protect cells from premature aging and prevent certain diseases.

According to Alberto Cormillot, the variety of colors on your plate has health benefits (pictorial image Infobae)

These colors and their associated benefits show the importance of eating a varied diet, choosing fruits and vegetables of all colors to get all the benefits from each of these foods. “Frozen, canned, 100% juiced or dehydrated, they are also nutritious options incorporating the benefits of this group. Furthermore, they are easy to use and available all year round,” Cormelot highlights.

Whether alone or combined, these colors provide essential aspects for the proper functioning of the body.

Each season offers us the best quality content to take advantage of (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Provides: Vitamin C, minerals like potassium, lycopene, flavonoids (anthocyanins) and phytochemicals like capsaicin

Among the functions it promotes are: it reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, helps the health of the heart and urinary tract and the functioning of the brain, is an antioxidant and strengthens the defenses.

Fruits and vegetables that correspond to this color are: tomatoes, beets, radishes, red onions, peppers, red peppers, red apples, cherries, pink grapes, watermelon, pink grapes, raspberries and strawberries.

The colors on your plate represent much more than a simple visual feast: Cormilot explains how each color boosts your health and prevents diseases (illustrative image infobay)

Provides: Vitamin C, minerals like potassium, phytochemicals like carotenoids (alpha and beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin)

Among the functions it promotes are: it reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, helps visual health, is an antioxidant and strengthens defenses.

Fruits and vegetables that correspond to this color are: carrots, pumpkins, yellow corn, sweet potatoes, pineapples, apricots, yellow peaches, figs, oranges, grapes, lemons, pears, mangoes and watermelons.

Many fruits and vegetables reduce cancer risk (illustrative image Infobae)

Provides: B complex vitamins, minerals like potassium, flavonoids (quercetin) and phytochemicals like allicin

Among the functions it promotes are: it helps heart health, strengthens defenses and is an antioxidant.

Fruits and vegetables that match this color are: garlic, onions, shallots, mushrooms, white corn, white cabbage, bananas, dates and white peaches.

Salad, ideal companion all year round, and an option to cool off in a healthy way in summer (illustrative image infobae)

Provides: B complex vitamins, minerals like potassium, phytochemicals like carotenoids (beta-carotene).

Among the functions it promotes are: it reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, helps visual health and is an antioxidant.

Fruits and vegetables that match this color are: celery, beans, light green leafy vegetables (like butter lettuce), green apples, lemons and green grapes.

The world of color in diet: From passion red to hope green, every tone is a gift for well-being (Getty)

Provides: Vitamin C and B complex, minerals like potassium, phytochemicals like carotenoids (beta-carotene and lutein)

Among the functions it promotes are: it reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, it is an antioxidant, it strengthens the defenses and protects visual health.

Fruits and vegetables that match this color are: green peppers, fresh peas, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, endive, avocado, green leafy vegetables (chard, spinach, Creole lettuce), and kiwi.

Blackberry, one of the fruits with the most health benefits (pictorial image infobay)

Provides: Vitamin C and B complex, minerals like potassium, phytochemicals like flavonoids and sulfur compounds (ellagic acid).

Among the functions it promotes are: it reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, helps heart health, supports brain function, visual and urinary tract health, is an antioxidant, and protects against Strengthens.

Fruits and vegetables that match this color are: red cabbage, eggplant (skin), berries (blueberries, blackberries, currants), plums and black grapes.

A colorful spectrum of healthy and nutrient-rich fruits, an ideal choice for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle (Illustration Image Infobae)

For both fruits and vegetables, there is tentative evidence that they reduce the risk of developing cancer.

In the words of Cormillot, while vegetables “reduce the risk of tumors of the esophagus, stomach, mouth, larynx, and pharynx,” fruits do the same in “the esophagus, stomach, mouth, larynx, pharynx, and lungs,” while “foods Substances sources of lycopene reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Although including fruits and vegetables is not a problem for many people, there are some people who find it impossible to include these foods in their daily diet. To break down these barriers, Cormelot issued a series of recommendations:

Cormelot called for diversifying the color palette of the diet (illustrative image Infobae)

-Add fruit juice to fruit salad. Apart from enjoying its freshness, there is no need to add sugar or sweetener to it.

-Fruits can complement breakfast or lunch: with yogurt, coffee with milk

-Fruit can be a snack for mid-morning or mid-afternoon: in a small container or bag you can combine dried fruits with dried fruits (such as blueberries, apricots, raisins) to create a healthy, original and ready-made snack . Workplace. At home.

-Fruits can be served with salads, pasta or vegetable dishes, fish or meat.

-Fruits can be included in sauces and garnishes.

Every Shade Has a Health Benefit Worth Discovering (Illustrative Image Infobae)

-Include more vegetables in salads, soups and sauces.

-Double the portion of vegetables you currently consume.

-Add vegetables to rice or pasta

– Add vegetables (spinach, tomatoes, asparagus, onions) to dishes that traditionally contain only eggs, such as omelettes, for example.

– Pack some vegetables to take as a snack at work like celery pieces, cucumber slices, carrots

Some ingredients also help prevent diseases (illustrative image infobay)

– Fill the pie with vegetables (pumpkin, chard, zucchini, onion, among others)

-Use raw or boiled vegetables and sauté onions and peppers with vegetable broth or a little broth.

-Every time you prepare a sandwich, it is important to ensure that it contains vegetables or fruits (such as apple pieces, sprouts and celery with low-fat white cheese, avocado dressing, tomatoes and onions and all combinations of vegetables ) include. To suit you. Give a different color and taste to the preparation.

-If you do not have time, consider frozen or canned vegetable options available in the market.

-If you have children, you can plant your garden at home with them. “This partnership will encourage them to eat what they have produced themselves and share a healthy experience with them, in addition to encouraging healthy eating habits and having vegetables and fruits in their garden,” concludes Cormillot.

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