The ancient Peruvians in Tahuantinsuyo used this plant to cure fever.

Fever, an ancient adversary of humanity, finds its rival in the antipyretic properties of Peruvian medicinal plants. (carol)

In the land of Peru, we have many ancestral traditions from the days of Tahuantinsuyo, traditional medicine persists as an important factor in primary health care. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80% of the world’s population With medicinal plants being an essential resource to meet various health needs, traditional medicine is regularly resorted to.

Statistics show that a large part of the population uses traditional remedies based on plant extracts or their active ingredients. Most common diseases are treated with these practices have fever, Inflammatory processes, bruises and digestive problems, etc.

fever, which is characterized by an extreme increase in body temperature 37°C, is a signal from the organism about possible changes, usually associated with the presence of infection or viruses. Since ancient times, humanity has resorted to natural remedies, with medicinal plants being the main resource for treatment. Fever and other diseases.

From Inca physicians to the present, the coca leaf has played an important role in traditional Andean and Amazonian medicine, acting as a gastric analgesic, antidiarrheal, and carminative.

In the Peruvian context, both Andean and Amazonian peoples inherited and retained knowledge of the healing properties of various plants. coast, mountains and forestsIn its geographical diversity, it is home to a variety of plant species with medicinal properties. This repository is a treasure trove for traditional medicine, with each region contributing its own range of beneficial plants.

Peru stands out as one of the countries with the greatest diversity of flora in the world, housing almost 25 thousand unique speciesOf which 1,400 have medicinal properties. Of these, 823 are known for their antipyretic properties, making them valuable adjuncts in the treatment of fever. Science is, gradually, uncovering the healing secrets of these plants, contributing to a deeper understanding of the botanical wealth that defines traditional health in these lands.

Discover the diverse castes of doctors in the Inca Empire, from the wise ‘ichuris’ to the ‘comascas’ physicians, each with an important role in health care.

in the lands of South America, especially in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, Quinoa grows magnificently, also known as the “Sacred Shell”. Its height can reach up to 10 meters, its rough bark, narrow leaves, green flowers and small seeds are qualities that make it a “sacred” plant, used ancestrally to prevent and combat various diseases. is done.

In ancient times, fever, which is a common symptom of many diseases, was treated with vegetables that had antipyretic properties. historian Inca Garcilaso de la Vega The use of pico infusions, particularly effective against fever, is evidenced during the illness of inca atahualpa While he was imprisoned in Cajamarca.

The so-called quinoa, scientifically known as cinchona officinalis And belonging to the Rubiaceae family, it is native to these South American lands. His name echoes in historical annals, where Father Cobo mentions the use of the bark of the cinchona tree, also known as cinchona. “Fever Tree”, husk or Peruvian bark, to combat fever. Father Cobo also mentions other plants such as chuquicanla and chilco, which are used in infusions and baths to treat the same discomfort.

Nicolas Monardes, a Spanish doctor and botanist, included in the list of remedies the seeds of a tree called vilca and the root of sarsaparilla, not only as an antipyretic, but also with diuretic and antisyphilitic properties.

In the plant kingdom, willow, belonging to the genus Salix, emerges as a carrier of salicin, a precursor of acetylsalicylic acid. This substance, in addition to analgesic properties, also has antipyretic properties, reduce fever, It continues to be used in some places as a substitute for cinchona (Cinchona pubescens), the alkaloid quinine historically used in treatment. Malaria and other fevers. The story of these plants has been told for ages in traditional medicine, highlighting the healing treasures nature has to offer.

Traditional medicine has deep roots in Peru, taking advantage of its rich diversity of medicinal plants to treat various ailments, especially fevers.

In the ancient Inca Empire, health was in the hands of a variety of doctors, who not only healed the sick with herbs and natural products, but also performed healing ceremonies. from them ‘ichuris’, doctor-practitioners who shared their skills with the population. For general residents, ‘Comascus’ were in charge of ensuring their well-being, while the Inca relied on the services of the elite ‘Amoukas’.

He vatukHe evaluated diseases and lifestyle with his diagnostic skills. He hanpecA type of magician, used to perform his healing arts at religious ceremonies. He Paco He was in charge of healing the soul, believing that this vital element was located in the heart. He Sankoyok, a surgeon priest, intervened in cases of broken limbs, boils and dental problems. He Hampi CamayokAlchemists of the Inca state, protected natural healing resources, while collahuaya It provided medicinal plants and amulets to strengthen health.

Peruvian traditionalist Ricardo Palma could not resist the temptation to dedicate a few lines to Callao (Andean).

Peruvian writer Ricardo Palma points out that Indians pedro de leyvaHe was suffering from fever, went to drink water from a pond where cinchona roots grew, thus getting relief. This was my then wife Viceroy of PeruThe Countess of Chinchón, fell ill and showed the same symptoms. To test whether this magical infusion worked, the Viceroy ordered a villager to try it before his wife.

Seeing that it had no lethal effects, he decided to give it to his wife so that she could get better. So it happened that after some time, after constantly drinking cinchona water, the Countess of Chinchon was cured and her recurring fevers stopped. That is why he ordered the preparation of a large quantity of ground bark to be distributed free among the residents. Thus, this remedy came to be known as “”.“The Powder of the Countess of Chinchón.”

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