“The excellence of the medical student prevents him from knowing disappointment”

Although the data in this sense are only from the Collegiate Organization of Comprehensive Doctor Care Program (PAIME), they show that every year the professionals who need medical care for anxiety, adaptive or depression disorders are increasingly young. And this closure 2023 confirms this, one-third of these patients are graduates who are doing residencies for specialization.

“There is a significant amount of weight in their balance and they are too young to have these problems so early.” We believe that, with the current demands, students enter the Faculty of Medicine with brilliant records, they build their careers with exceptional grades and they are people who do not know failure, who have worked hard to reach the level Focused on study and study. And when they get to the hospital, to the real world, to a real patient, who isn’t just a bunch of symptoms learned in books and protocols, they don’t know for the first time how to resolve situations, respond to cases. , and the frustration begins. For which they are not prepared and these crises occur,” says Juan José Allende, PAIME coordinator in Castilla y León. We also believe that foreign doctors, because of their culture, which is soft in other ways, come away from their countries and become depressed or suffer from anxiety. They become more overwhelmed,” he added.

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For all this, PAIME had opted for, and this is something that stopped the epidemic, a prevention program, workshops and trainings to teach coping, relaxation techniques, conflict management, situation management, going beyond treatment and also began. …For these people who have gone through a cruel selection that, in many cases, has given rise to a certain disconnection with everyday life, with the world in which other young people breathe.

“We are very interested in expanding the program with prevention workshops that teach how to manage stress and conflict.”

Allende, who is currently retired but who has known what it is like to consult for forty years, highlights the reasons for this poor state of health of the profession by noting that “the pressure on primary care is fantastic. There is such a shortage of human resources. That those that exist have to make double the effort. Neither vacation replacement nor sick leave, which are becoming increasingly common, although they do not provide us with detailed data, and we go from applauding the pandemic to stabbing We don’t know whether people have become more irritable than before and tolerate waiting or frustration worse and this leads to a breakdown in balance. And now, with non-face-to-face counselling, which In addition to solving very common things or doubts that do not reassure doctors, not being able to see the patient creates insecurity and doubt and now half is by telephone and although it feels liberating, it is very tiring. gonna get. All of this. And besides, hospitals get way more than they should, citizens go to them for abuse. Now the patient takes decisions about the emergency,” he adds.

Dr. Aliende explains that “PAIME provides confidentiality and results but support is scarce, much more can be done that would prevent so many sick leaves and reduce problems; but we need resources. Cuts After we have 30,000 euros left and little desire to bet on it. Even judicial experience shows that most medical lawsuits are linked to past pathologies or addictions and avoided prevention and treatment could lead to some professionals committing negligence or other crimes,” adds this PAIME care coordinator in the community.


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