The groundbreaking gadget that translates and you can take it everywhere

Speaking multiple languages ​​is important professionally and personally, as it allows you to interact with people from other countries. However, not all of them are easy to learn, as there are some that are more complex than others. With inventions such as headphones that instantly translate any conversation or a simple Xiaomi device, technology has become a great ally to make it easier and even forget about studying. is even New one Gadget which can be translated and taken everywhere,

Timekettle, translation solutions company, has introduced its new X1 Interpreter Hub At CES 2024 (Consumer Electronics Show), which is one of the world’s major technology fairs held in Las Vegas city of the United States. A device with a compact size that can be carried anywhere that claims to be the first simultaneous translation system in multiple languages ​​that improves the efficiency of communication in business, both Online As offline,

This is a pocket device Artificial intelligence (AI), a screen, speakers and wireless headphones Which comes with “powerful features for multilingual communication, breaking language barriers and promoting global connections”, as stated by the company on its website. X1 Interpreter Hub is specifically designed for business meetings, voice calls and classrooms that require fluent translation across multiple languages.

This is The X1 Interpreter Hub, the gadget that instantly translates conversations

The X1 Interpreter Hub costs $699.99 – about 638 euros at the exchange rate – and has some interesting features that go beyond quick word-by-word translation. The first of them is that it is easy to use, as it is activated with a single step, and it offers multi-directional interpreting, allowing up to 20 people to participate in conversations in five languages. The device also offers voice calling with unique digital numbers Connects to another unit with one touch,

This too Able to translate 40 languages ​​online instantly And 13 when there is no connection. Even there are many ways to use it. The first of these is for conversation between two people. Here, users share the headphones that come with the device to start a conversation and hear each other translate. Another mode enables voice calls with real-time interpretation, making it the perfect solution for international communications in meeting rooms.

(The AI ​​that will make translators retire: Meta’s new model translates and transcribes 100 languages)

On the other hand, the And even with a method that doesn’t use wireless headphones. In the latter, it is enough to talk directly to the other person speaker Gadget Resubmit translation,

“Our vision sets us apart from other companies in the market, as our uniqueness focuses on the direction of product design and development. We strive to create the best communication solutions that address real use cases and active engagement in different languages encourage communication. Reshape the way we communicate, we give people An unprecedented immersion experience in their livesTimekettle CEO Lil Tian said in a statement.

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