The Houthis claimed new attacks in Israel and the Red Sea and announced they would start using underwater weapons

Yemen’s Houthis claimed new attacks against Israeli and allied ships, and announced more attacks with underwater weapons to prevent navigation in the area (EFE)

Yemen’s Houthi rebels took responsibility this Thursday for new attacks against American destroyerA British freighter and Israeli cities EilatAmidst their announcements of being more aggressive in the Red Sea,

The group’s spokesman Yahya Sariya confirmed that its missiles had successfully hit the cargo ship between 8:30 and 9:45 a.m. MV Islander, with the Palau flag and London property, resulting in a fire on board the ship. However, the damage was minor and had no effect on the crew, who proceeded towards their next port of destination.

Similarly, rebels attacked a US destroyer in these waters with “multiple drones”, although it too suffered no serious damage.

The MV Islander caught fire, however, with no change to its navigation (Europa Press)

For his part, United States Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that between 4:30 and 5:30 hours aircraft from Washington and a military ship from Paris “brake down six explosive drones “of an attack by the Iran-backed Houthis.” The organization said that, of course, they were aimed at Western allies and because “they represented an imminent threat” they were removed.

Along with these attacks, Sariya also announced that “a series of ballistic missiles and drones were launched against several targets of the Zionist enemy,” namely the city of Eilat in the south of the country.

The United States announced that the enemy drone had already been disabled (EFE)

This action came at a time when the rebels had warned Increase in their attacks – both in “quality” and “quantity” – Until the attacks on Gaza and the Palestinian people stop.

The leader of the pro-Iranian militia in Yemen, Abdulmalik Badreddine al Houthi, sent a note to transporters and insurers this Thursday announcing a ban on vessels belonging to Israel, the United States and Great Britain transiting through the Red Sea . surrounding waterAs Gulf of Aden And this Arabian Sea, This is the first communication the Houthis have sent directly to the companies.

The note specifies that all ships that are wholly or partially owned by Israeli persons or entities, as well as ships flying the Israeli flag or owned by American or British persons or entities, or that sail under their flags, They are prohibited from entering the water. area of.

To perform these tasks we have defined Involve underwater weapons To guarantee its effectiveness and speed.

The Houthis will intensify their attacks in the Red Sea and surrounding waters, and add underwater weapons to their attacks (EFE)

“In these operations, we are also moving towards an increase in terms of intensity and type. This includes the activation of missiles, drones, military ships and the launch of underwater weapons, which is worrying for the enemy,” al Houthi said.

Until now, the militias were silent regarding the use of these devices and CENTCOM only announced a strike on 17 February against “unmanned underwater vessels” being developed by the rebels.

During his speech, the rebel leader celebrated that they are already 48 The ships of the Western Allies have come under his fire, which he interprets as their inability to protect themselves.

Al Houthi celebrated that, despite the allies having “advanced capabilities, they did not manage to limit the launching operations nor did they prevent projectiles from reaching their targets” (Juma Press).

Despite the fact that “they have advanced capabilities, they did not manage to limit launching operations nor did they prevent projectiles from reaching their targets,” he commented.

Houthi attacks in the Red Sea disrupted trade on this route, through which about 12% of the world’s maritime traffic passes, and diverted ships to longer and more expensive routes around Africa.

(With information from AFP, EFE, Europa Press and Reuters)

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