The International Criminal Court has decided to pursue an investigation against the Venezuelan government for possible crimes against humanity

(CNN Spanish) — The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague decided this Friday that the Prosecutor’s Office will continue investigating the Venezuelan State for possible crimes against humanity after rejecting six appeal arguments raised by the government of President Nicolas Maduro .

“The Appeals Chamber has considered it appropriate to confirm the contested judgment,” said its president, Judge Marc Perrin de Brichambot.

The Appeals Chamber’s decision authorized Prosecutor Karim Khan to continue the investigation as part of a case opened in November 2021.

The Preliminary Chamber of the International Criminal Court ruled in November 2023 that Venezuelan authorities “are not investigating or have not investigated criminal acts that may constitute crimes against humanity.”

This Friday’s hearing was attended by representatives of the ICC Prosecutor’s Office, the Venezuelan Government – ​​including Larry Laveau, Venezuela’s representative to the international human rights system – as well as representatives of the Public Office for the Protection of Victims.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil rejected the verdict on his crimes against humanity that never happened.”

On previous occasions – and particularly after a visit to Caracas in June by the ICC Prosecutor, Karim Khan – Attorney General Tarek William Saab said that the Venezuelan state “intends to do justice.”

Two weeks ago, through a statement issued by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, the Maduro government announced the expulsion of all staff from the office in Caracas that represented the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.


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