The Medical Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy will be presented in DR

Santo Domingo. , A dictionary of medical terms from the Royal Spanish Academy will be put into circulation in the country, which Dominican doctor and researcher Herbert Stern has collaborated in preparing.

The Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Medical Terms will be presented to the medical community within the framework of a scientific conference to be held in the country on February 9 and 10 in the Restoration Room of the Ministry of Defense.

The work is an initiative of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Spain, with the collaboration of associations of medical academies of Latin America, Spain and Portugal, including the Dominican Academy of Medicine.

It is a consensus text to facilitate communication between the population and medical professionals in Spain and the Americas.

It contains more than 70 thousand words with their English equivalent. is a digital, updated and free-access dictionary that collects the richness of the Spanish-speaking biomedical lexicon, providing variants and specific uses.

The setting of its launch is the IV Dominican Hispanic Conference on Ophthalmology, which will focus on the analysis of neuro-ophthalmology and strabismus issues.

The activity will be inaugurated on February 9 at 6 pm.

Dr. Herbert Stern, director of the Santo Domingo Ophthalmological Clinic, the organizing unit, said the course will be dedicated to the late Dr. Jose Cilli and Nelly Diaz at the inauguration.

Similarly, a conference by Spanish professor Dr. Enrique Santos, who will speak on “Science and Art”.

The president of the Dominican Academy of Medicine said national and international experts will speak at the event.

He cited among these the neurologist Ventura Anciones and the neuro-ophthalmologist Enrique Santos, both Spanish.

The scientific agenda includes 14 conferences.

The curriculum to be developed is supported by the Dominican Academy of Medicine, the Dominican Society of Ophthalmology and the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University.

(TagstoTranslate)Medical Dictionary

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