The Ministry of Health will maintain funding for the next two years to increase medical space in Grenada

The University of Grenada (UGR) will be offering 272 first-year places in the next academic year. The number of first year vacancies is thus maintained for 2023/2024, with funding from the Ministry of Health allowing for an increase in new entry positions to 22. According to the information given by the ministry, at least for the next two courses this number of places will be the same, 272. For the latter, the financing needed to continue offering the same in medicine is still in limbo.

As of this 2023/2024 academic year, there are 253 positions in the first year of Medicine studies at UGR. Having more medical professionals to ease the strain on the health system is one of the needs of the administration and this was evident with the pandemic. To achieve this, the Ministry also decided, among other decisions, to provide this financing to Spanish medical schools. , , who were thus able to expand their places for new students.

In the case of UGR, the number of posts increased from 253 to the current 272, this figure will be maintained for the next academic year 2024/2025 as per the ministry’s response. A few days ago, the Governing Council of the University of Grenada approved the offering of first-year positions in its degrees for the next academic year. This approval contained one reservation, precisely related to medicine. The number of vacancies in these studies is subject to the maintenance of “state financing”.

This means that without funding from outside the Ministry, UGR believes it will have to reconsider the number of positions it offers in one of its most demanding studies. The Faculty receives an average of 2,500 to 3,000 applications annually, with 100% of places filled each year, as reflected in degree data published by the University itself. This high number of requests places the cut-off grade consistently among the highest among UGR degrees. Up from 13 in recent years.

The demands of students and the needs of the system are appropriate, prioritising, and increasing places. This growth is always linked to adequate financing coming in to support that option. And the Health Ministry agreed to do so last 2023. According to the Royal Decree of 25 July, the Executive granted 1.7 million to the Granada Institute for this increase in positions in this academic year 2023/2024. In total, 52 million euros were distributed among all universities receiving funding for this purpose.

Now, once the offer of places for the next year has been approved by the UGR, it remains to be specified what this “exception” is, involving the Government Council. According to Health Ministry sources, “University places are offered on a university proposal with the approval of the Autonomous Community and the approval of the University Policy Conference.”

The same source states that “the Ministry of Health has financed an increase in places to receive a greater number of professionals in the future.” Looking to the coming years, Health says it “will seek to maintain the subsidy, at least in the 2024/25 academic year and 2025/26.” In any case, the ministry adds, universities “can offer places in any case, even if subsidies do not exist.”

10,989 places for the next course

On 26 January, UGR approved the offer of degree places for the 2024/2025 academic year. In total, there will be 10,989 vacancies compared to 10,948 for the 2023/2024 academic year.

As the university explained in a statement, the increase is “mainly due to the approval of a new group in the Computer Engineering degree approved by DEVA and which will increase the total number of places in the above degrees by 50.”

In addition, the offer of admission places in other degrees has been expanded, although always within the margin allowed in the degree verification report: Building (10 places), Mathematics (5), Melilla Campus Nursing (5), Melilla Physiotherapy (1). , Computer Science Ceuta (5).

“With the same intention of making adjustments and always at the request of the faculty, some grades have suffered losses to match supply with demand or to improve conditions with attention to the student body,” UGR said.

Thus, the double degree in mathematics and physics once again has 21 places instead of 23, “a readjustment also necessary due to the increase in the degree in mathematics”; Degree in Political Science and Administration and Dual Degree in Politics and Law, reduced by 5 places each; The Business Administration and Management degree in Ceuta goes from 70 to 63 places; And, finally, the degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources, which experienced a decrease from 330 to 314 places.

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