The regime recognizes the “complex energy landscape”, but assures that the situation will improve in April

The Cuban regime acknowledged that it was experiencing “Complex Energy Landscape” But he assured that the situation will improve from April 6.

However, as the Minister of Energy and Mines pointed out, Vicente De La O LevyAfter a week of relative stability the situation will become complicated again.

Interviewed for national television news (NTV)The Minister responsible for the National Electroenergy System (SEN) reiterated his statement that the Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Plant in Matanzas Will be synchronized this Monday, March 18thas planned.

The complexity of the “energy landscape” is such that de la O. Lévy introduced data on energy deficits. fuel With the arrival of new shipments forecast, an arithmetic result will be the situation improving in the second week of April and then, a return to the starting point and a massive recovery. blackout,

“The entry of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant in Matanzas and the arrival of the fuel ship in Cuba are elements that will affect the national electricity system in the coming days,” the report said. ntv,

De La O. Levy indicated that he had visited Guiteras “and we saw the progress of the maintenance, which – although it is not considered a capital repair – has touched more than 1,500 points of the thermoelectric plant.”

“The commitment remains that the unit will be synchronized on Monday the 18th”, the Energy Minister stressed. Once synchronized with SEN, the country’s largest thermoelectric plant will provide 280 MW generated from “Cuban fuel”.

Regarding the fuel crisis, the minister admitted that it is a “fundamental problem” they are facing. “We no longer have fuel that is not purchased from the international market,” he stressed. This statement contradicts the previous statement, because, if there is no “Cuban fuel”, what will Guiteras get?

“We’ll have fuel for a few more days…” “We’ll have diesel for a few more days,” stammered de la O’Levy. In an attempt to hide more than the obvious reality: That the Cuban regime, despite being in the worst financial condition in its history, is without fuel reserves and is as dependent on imports as ever.

According to the minister, “exact planning” has been done to manage the 40,000 tonnes of diesel that will arrive in the coming days, which is enough for about “10 or 12 days”. The priority is to do “what is needed for the morning time, (so) people can rest”.,

“We know there are areas that spend practically the entire morning in blackout. And practically all day long. And practically the entire country. And we’re going to reserve the fuel that’s coming to us so that, during people’s basic hours of rest, they can get electricity.

The entry of Guiteras will improve the situation for a few days, but “Later the situation will remain tense and serious“, because of the level of fuel and consumption in the country, and the level that we can get from abroad with our financial capacity.”

He said, ‘There will be better stability in diesel next week. This is not the case with fuel. We are going to have potholes and a shortage of fuel to generate power… (However), on April 6, we are going to have fuel to generate power. That is why there is a very tense situation between us this week. After the 6th, we started refining and production reached 2,500 tons per day,” de la O’Levy said hurriedly.

“Then we say: Our situation will be better that week. But then it comes back… once again it becomes a hole. The government’s energy minister concluded, “We are buying fuel with our limited finances.” Miguel Diaz-Canel,

In your estimation, De la O Levy confirmed that the situation will improve “in the future”.To specify that it will improve for a few days in April and then fall back to its current level, With blackouts 24 hours a day,

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