The Shepherd’s Role in Livestock: Improving Animal Welfare

Although at first glance it may seem like a simple dynamic, there are many benefits to this relationship that go beyond the obvious. In times of shortage of human resources and rising costs, optimization of work and improvement of processes becomes essential to generate more income in livestock companies.

That is why Federico Longo, agronomist and livestock expert, comments that, “Efficiency is a fundamental factor in the field of agricultural companies,

According to Longo, there is a tool that does not require a smart device or an Internet connection, but is effective in optimizing business productivity.

“This tool costs nothing and goes back to basics. We need to teach cattle to follow us, without the need for dogs, horses or extra people.“, explains the professional.

In livestock activity, optimization of working time is essential. Therefore, Teaching livestock to follow us has a direct impact on efficiency and productivity. A single person can handle hundreds of animals, allowing the rest to devote themselves to other tasks.

According to Longo, “Calling the cattle and getting them to follow you is a symptom of good rear management, because the animals no longer see us as a threat and associate us with food. Therefore, we work with docile animals. Which make the work simpler. For example, It might take us an hour to move a lot of cattle with horses or dogs, but this way we can do it in less than 15 minutes, (read in animal husbandry issue, Have you heard how to attract cattle to the pen? Learn about Kulling,

When cattle follow the shepherd on the farm, monitoring and management of livestock is greatly facilitated. The operator has the opportunity to closely inspect each animal, identify any signs of illness or injury, and provide immediate care. When necessary.

This proximity allows Quick response to any health problems or unusual behaviorWhich contributes to enhancing the general health and animal welfare of the herd.

The constant presence of the operator in the field gives cattle a sense of security and peace of mind, Animals become accustomed to human presence and can feel more comfortable and relaxed, which contributes to the emotional well-being of cattle.

Additionally, regular contact with humans can help reduce stress during handling times, such as vaccinations or moving to new pastures.

“So we can say that calling cattle has advantages: less stress for the animal, Improves human-animal relationship, improves safety of both personnel and animal, increases efficiency, These points ultimately impact the profitability of livestock companies,” Longo concluded. (Read in animal husbandry issue, 9 ethology tips that allow you to increase the efficiency of your livestock,

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