The truth about the Apple Vision Pro is back

Users have started returning apple vision pro Two weeks later these went on sale in the United States, but the amount of returns isn’t as high as you might have thought. this is what he says bloombergwhich highlights that the number of returns is most likely to be “Stay in average” Regarding other Apple products, and this is “not a sign of crisis.”

The above media highlights that, according to analyst data, – since Apple does not provide information about the number of returns – some smaller retail stores are experiencing “one or two returns a day”, while Other big stores receive 8 returns a day. …and on this he insists bloomberg, Those are not high figures, In fact, they highlight that this is something that Apple already anticipated.

Let us remember, Apple offers a two-week return window on the purchase of its products, and in the case of the Apple Vision Pro, which went on sale on February 2, it ended last Friday. Since then, many users who purchased the headset returned it. This extreme in returns and the fact that many of those who purchased the Vision Pro are brand-related, It seemed like they meant device failure, But it’s nothing that hasn’t happened with other Apple devices, such as the Apple Watch or the iPhone.

Why are people returning Vision Pro?


However, Apple is interested in knowing Why are people returning Vision Pro ones? This is something that makes sense if we take into account that it is the first product in this category. According to bloombergHaving been able to talk to more than a dozen people who have returned the company’s mixed reality glasses, there are several reasons why.

Many users return Vision Pro because are heavy or very uncomfortable to use. They even warn that they are uncomfortable and cause headaches. Also because the screens are very bright the field of vision is somewhat narrow. They also claim that the Vision Pro causes visual fatigue.

Others justify withdrawal Lack of applications and content The price of such videos is not justified. Also because they believe the device doesn’t actually make you more productive other than being able to use it as an external screen on a Mac.

Finally, there are users who claim that using Vision Pro make them feel isolated from family and friends, They also highlight that there are no “shared experience” features and that it is difficult to have another user use the glasses due to the need for such precise head adjustments. Let’s remember that the Vision Pro come with bands in different sizes, and the user will have to scan their face to know which band they should buy.

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