The United States criticized the detention of opposition leaders by the Chavista regime: “This is a violation of the Barbados Agreement”.

Nicolas Maduro (EFE/Bienvenido Velasco)

The United States expressed concern over the detention of opposition leaders by Chavismo in Venezuela and blamed it on the regime. Nicolas Maduro to violate barbados agreement, Joe Biden’s manager for the region said this, brian nicholswho also requested the independence of the human rights lawyer, Rocío San Miguel.

“A message from Guillermo Lopez is a clear violation of the Barbados Agreement.”

,We demand his immediate and unconditional release, as well as the release of all Venezuelans unjustly detained, including Rocío San Miguel.Nicholas continued.

The person in charge of the United States Department of State for Latin America, Brian Nichols (EFE/Rodrigo Sura)

Just yesterday, Victor Venegas, one of the associates of Maria Corina Machado Who was detained by the Chavista regime, was released after two months of detention.

Venegas, political secretary of this formation in the state of Barinas (West), was released on March 11 after being arbitrarily detained on January 17 and subjected to enforced disappearance by the regime, said the Human Rights Committee of Cell X in Venezuela.

The federalist was charged in January by the Public Ministry (MP, Prosecutor’s Office) for allegedly being “involved in the development of activities against the peace of the Republic” and “being part of a group that intends to transform the state of Barinas.” According to a statement then released by the tax unit, the crackdown was “violent”.

Luis Camacaro (social network)

The Venezuelan Human Rights Committee celebrated Venegas’ release and once again called for his release. Luis Camcaro, Juan Freitas, Guillermo Lopez and Emil BrandtMachado’s regional associates, according to the formation, the first three were arrested in January and the last last Friday.

“We continue to speak out for our four colleagues who are still in custody. We demand the freedom of all political prisoners,” said the party committee of Machado, the main opposition coalition candidate for the presidential election on July 28, in which she expects to compete despite the disqualification that would bar her from running for public office in the popular election. But prevents you from living. Till 2036.

In January, after the Chavista government condemned plots including the assassination of President Nicolas Maduro, it activated ‘Bolivarian Fury’, a plan to “defend the right to peace”, which, however, worried NGOs and opponents. Those who warn. Repetition of political “repression and harassment” a few months before the presidential elections.

Venezuelan activist Rocío San Miguel (EFE/Jeffrey Arguedas)

Many NGOs once again demand the release of Venezuelan activist Rocío San MiguelThose who have already been detained for more than a month are accused of alleged involvement in a plot that also included an assassination plot against President Nicolas Maduro.

Ali Daniel, director of Access to Justice, told the agency efe That the lawyer and president of the NGO Control Ciudadano is still “He couldn’t hire a lawyer.”Which represents “another violation” of their rights.

Furthermore, he assured that San Miguel’s right to the presumption of innocence has been violated through “a massive, massive communication campaign launched from the state media, demanding a speedy punishment against someone who Who is trying and is not even able to do it. To hire lawyers he trusts.”

“We demand that their rights be respected,” Daniels stressed.

There are 264 people in the NGO Foro panel, of which 19 are women.

On that social network, the Provia organization also advocated for the release of the activist, who “has still not been able to contact his lawyers.”

Attorney General Tarek William Saab said on February 19 that San Miguel “gave information” about military defense systems to an ambassador of the European Union (EU) and the embassies of three other countries, which he did not specify.

More than 200 organizations and 415 members of Venezuelan civil society rejected the “arbitrary detention” of the activist, who was arrested at Maquitia International Airport serving Caracas as she tried to travel with her daughter. Was preparing.

(with information from EFE)

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