There are risks with browsing in incognito mode in Chrome: Follow these precautions and protect your data

This type of browsing hides history, but exposes other data. (Google)

Many users opt for Incognito mode as a seasonal browsing solution to avoid saving search history and because they believe it is more secure. However, this mode does not guarantee complete security of privacy and data, so it is important to take some precautions to avoid risks.

So below we are going to present some precautions that you should keep in mind when using this type of navigation, So that the information is not exposed and it is really a secure tool.

However this mode prevents the browser from storing data like browsing history, cookies and cacheDoes not provide complete anonymity online.

Visited websites may still collect basic information, such as the user’s IP address, and Internet service providers (ISPs) may record browsing activity. so, It is essential not to rely on incognito mode as the only solution for protecting online privacy.

This type of browsing hides history, but exposes other data. (Google)

Public WiFi networks, such as those found in coffee shops, airports, and hotels, are known to be vulnerable to cyberattacks. Intruders can easily intercept network traffic and access sensitive information transmitted over these networks.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using public Wi-Fi networks while browsing in Incognito mode, as this may expose user data to security risks.

If we want to protect online privacy while browsing in incognito mode, it is best to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). This tool encrypts all of a user’s browsing activity and hides their real IP address, making it difficult for websites and ISPs to track their online activity.

Additionally, VPN provides an additional layer of security when browsing public WiFi networks, protecting user data from potential hacker attacks and online surveillance.

This type of browsing hides history, but exposes other data. (Google)

Although Incognito Mode can disable some browser extensions, not all are affected by this setting. Some may remain active in incognito mode and pose a risk to user privacy.

Therefore, it is important to review and disable extensions installed in the browser that may compromise user privacy by collecting browsing data or performing unwanted tracking.

When browsing in incognito mode, it’s important to exercise caution when sharing personal information online. Although Incognito mode prevents the browser from storing data such as browsing history and cookies, it does not protect against website tracking or theft of personal information.

so, It is advisable to avoid disclosing sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, passwords and personally identifiable information when browsing online.Even in incognito mode.

This type of navigation hides history, but exposes other data. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

To ensure security and protect privacy when browsing in incognito mode, it is important to keep the browser and operating system software on your computer and cell phone up to date.

Regular updates include security patches that fix known vulnerabilities and improve protection against online threats.

If online privacy is a major concern, it is best to consider using a privacy-focused browser. Options like Tor Browser and Brave are specifically designed to protect user privacy by blocking ad trackers, tracking cookies, and other online tracking methods.

These browsers also offer additional features, such as anonymous browsing and fingerprint tracking protection, which can significantly improve a user’s online privacy.

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