These are the 7 nursing specialties that exist in Spain

For WHO, nurses are a vital human resource for health (Shutterstock)

The nurses demand professional reclassification of the civil servant group A2 to the group in which they are now and whose base salary is lower than A1, which they want to enter. SATSE, the majority nursing union, has tabled a motion calling on all parties represented in the various regional parliaments to urge the government. “End discrimination “Nurses and physiotherapists under Group A of the Public Administration suffered.” This battle has been added to achieve the full evolution of all of them specificationswho has been one for years Main demands of the profession,

Obtaining the title of specialist nurse is currently regulated by Royal Decree 183/2008, which prescribes and classifies Specialization in Health Sciences And some aspects of the specialized health training system have been developed, and Royal Decree 450/2005 on nursing specialties has been developed. However, legal regulation and the resulting evolution of nursing specialties is anursing profession aspirations And a historic demand that SATSE has always led. The union condemns that “the public administration has not shown a true desire to develop them”. Specialty of Obstetrics-Gynecology Nursing only (Dai) is applicable in the entire state.

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There are seven nursing specialties: obstetrics-gynecology, mental health, work, geriatrics, pediatrics, family and community, and medical-surgical medicine.

Civil service groups of professionals vary according to the tasks and study required to access the job. For him Subgroup A1, It is required to have a university degree (Bachelor degree, Engineering, Architecture or equivalent). He Subgroup A2 However, it requires a diploma (Diploma, Technical Engineering, Technical Architecture or equivalent).

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Previously, nurses were trained differently: previously the required qualification was a diploma, so they were classified as A2. Other health professions (pharmacists, doctors, psychologists…) were recognized as A1. At present, the career of nursing is, since 2008, a four-year university degree, a period of time in which they take 240 training credits, the same as other university courses. However, the change in professional category has not yet taken place and nurses, when they obtain a position in the public administration, Access subgroup A2 Instead of A1.

The justification that nursing professionals and unions provide is hidden behind this responsibility gap And the work done by the workers. it’s something like this ultimately harms nurses In aspects such as calls for management positions, access to research groups or access to public positions. “The reality is that traditionally high-level positions have been reserved for or awarded to former “graduates” which, in practice, has historically prevented access to the rest of university graduates who have received diplomas,” SATSE decried. .

Spanish public health leaves almost two million surgeries incomplete due to saturation of the waiting list.

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