These are the Chrome features on iOS that will make searching the Internet easier and safer

The Google Chrome browser application offers various capabilities to facilitate searches, from the possibility of searching through images to the protection of website access credentials when browsing the web from an iPhone or iPad device.

When browsing the Internet through a mobile device such as a smartphone, users usually look for browsers that offer tools that lighten the search effort, so that it is a simple experience that takes advantage of the benefits that these mobile phones provide. Raise and raise. Productivity of day-to-day tasks.

In this sense, Google These are some of the most useful features that Chrome offers to its application on iOS devices such as iPhone or iPad, designed to ensure fast, safe and easy browsing.

One of the options that Chrome offers is the ability to search from the camera using Google Lens technology. With this function, users can perform any search on the Internet based on the elements visible in the images captured from the camera.

That is, it will be enough to focus on an object or place and photograph it to start searching for information. For example, users will be able to hold up a t-shirt and find out what brand it is, as well as identify a plant or animal to see what species it is.

This tool, Google Lens in Chrome, is activated by pressing the camera-shaped icon in the search bar. After that, users have to long press on any aspect of the image, be it newly captured photos or photos already stored in the smartphone’s gallery.

Similarly, this type of search can also be used while browsing web pages. That is, if users press and hold any image object inside a website, then the search will also start with Google Lens. As a result, information related to what you are looking for appears either through links on websites or product sales pages.

Another function that Chrome offers on iOS is the translation of web pages, which is a very useful option to understand all the information on any website that has text written in a language unknown to the user. In particular, Google highlights that with this feature you can translate all the text of a website into more than 100 languages ​​thanks to Google Translate technology.

Similarly, you can also translate a specific part of a page. To do this, you need to select the part of the text you want to translate and click on ‘Translate Selection’ from the menu options.

Your password on any device

Following this line, Google offers the ability to access the same personal information from different devices, such as payment method data, information for auto-complete forms, as long as the same account is used. , and bookmarks and tabs for recurring use.

This way, when a user starts their Chrome session on another device, such as an iPad or MacBook, they will also have this data available without having to enter it again. For example, if you need to fill out a form to complete a ticket purchase, Chrome will be able to complete queries like name or email address because it has that information, even if it’s not the device you’re using. The said data was initially saved…

This option speeds up the work of users and adds security to this type of data, usually personal, preventing the user from entering it in every device on which it operates.

Following this line, another tool related to security is Google Password Manager in Chrome for iOS, which helps you to log in to websites and even other iOS applications quickly and securely.

Additionally, the feature also suggests strong passwords and provides password checkup service, which automatically identifies any potential security issues. For example, it notifies the user if the associated password has been exposed to a vulnerability or cyber attack on a service. Similarly, it also helps to instantly reset the affected password to prevent further damage.

Continuing user security, the iOS browser also has several forms of protection against ‘phishing’ and malicious websites, to avoid the possible consequences of cyber attacks, such as theft of sensitive data or unauthorized access to certain services.

Specifically, as highlighted by the technology company, Chrome offers the “fastest and most powerful” level of protection against dangerous sites thanks to the work of the ‘Safe Browsing’ function. This option must be activated in the browser settings and, if the user accesses a fraudulent web page, Chrome is able to recognize it and notify with a warning notification.

To identify these types of suspicious pages, Google has indicated that it uses its real-time threat data analysis technology.

address bar customization

Finally, Chrome for iOS also allows some customization options to make using the app easier on smartphones. Thus, one of the possibilities it offers is to change the position of the address bar. With this, you can choose whether to set the bar at the top or bottom of the screen, depending on each user’s accessibility preferences.

To configure this bar customization, simply press and hold it and select the ‘Move address bar down/up’ option. Similarly, you can also manage this option from the configuration menu of the application.

The Google Chrome browser app for iOS is available for free download from the App Store.

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