They challenge two of the eight congressmen who signed the health reform bill

Start of session 2024.

Photo: Oscar Perez

Congress people Honorio Miguel Henriquez And Joshua Alirio Barrera, Both Democratic Centre, He has just been challenged before the Congress Ethics Commission. Both are part of a group of eight congressmen who have signed on to the health reform file. If the Ethics Commission accepts the challenge, they will not be able to participate in the debate and, therefore, the archival presentation of the reform, which has the majority today, will be left without them. (can see: The complex landscape of psychiatric medications,

The challenge is signed by Hector Fabio Osorio Prada, deputy of the Assembly of Valle del Cauca, elected by Pacho Historico. In the document, which he sent to the chair of the Senate’s Seventh Commission, Martha Peralta (also from Pact), Osorio challenged both congressmen for what he called “a violation of the conflict of interest rule for becoming speakers and intervening.” . In discussing and voting on health reform. The applicant requests that the Ethics Commission take an in-depth decision on the case.

There is a rumor in Congress that the Ethics Commission will convene next Monday at 7:00 am. The Congressional teams fear that the said commission, which is supposed to resolve these alleged conflicts of interest, is composed of Congressmen “most of them from the government.” If this entity accepts the separation of both Congressmen, the group of eight senators who signed the archival report on health reform will lose the majority, which has fatally wounded the project today.

The Ethics Commission is composed of congressmen: Martha Isabel Peralta (Conservative), Isabel Cristina Zuleta (Conservative), Miguel Ángel Barreto Castillo (Conservative), Carlos Andrés Trujillo González (Conservative), John Jairo Roldán Avendano (Liberal), Juan Diego Echavarria. Sánchez (Liberal), Carlos Abraham Jiménez López (Cambio Radical), Julio Elías Chagüí Florez (La U Se), Jonathan Ferney Pulido Hernández (Alianza Verde), Andrés Felipe Guerra Hoyos (Democratic Center) and Imelda Daza Coates (Comunes).

A few days ago we reported in El Espectador that the government was looking for ways to save its reform. Among them, they sought out Green Alliance Congressman, Fabián Diaz, who plans to present an alternative. However, Senator Diaz pointed out the audience There are points in his project that the government “definitely will not accept.” Furthermore, after this possibility became known, various political parties and Congressmen announced that they too would not support this proposal.

The second path suggested to us by analysts and Congress insiders was exactly the one that pointed to the Congressmen walking away or postponing the debate. However, there is one catch with these options: time. The health reform has to be discussed and approved in the two remaining debates (commission and Senate plenary sessions) before next June 20. If you don’t do this you will drown. While the eight congressmen who signed the file expect the debate to take place soon, Interior Minister Luis Fernando Velasco has shown that the government is committed to discussing it after Easter.

In the past few hours a group of 19 former ministers and former deputy ministers of health sent a letter to the Seventh Committee of the Senate requesting that a debate on the project be scheduled as soon as possible.

Do you want to know the latest health news? We invite you to see them in El Espectador.⚕️🩺

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