They find a missing young man alive in Havana

Cuban boy David Yasmani Fong Grinan, who was missing As of last Sunday, January 7, he was found alive, apparently in good health.

your aunt, So Fong by BardetWho reported him missing on his Facebook profile on Friday the 12th, announced the next day that his nephew had already surfaced.

“I thank God and all the friends, family and friends who shared our publication and supported us emotionally and spiritually and especially To those who found my nephew’s address And informed immediately. Our immense gratitude goes to him,” he wrote in the new post.

Facebook capture/So Phong de Bardet

women He did not provide any details about Yasmani Fong’s current condition.Nor how and where it was found.

The last known information was that he left his home at around 7:00 am on Sunday to go to Old Havana. Then he deviated from it.

On Saturday, his sister, Lisette Fong, shared a photo of herself on Facebook, showing the boy in the same clothes he was wearing the day he disappeared, and said she was upset that they had not heard from him for a week. .

Facebook Capture / Lisette Fong

In the comments section, Lisbet Alejandra Arcaya, a girl from Santiago de Cuba, expressed hours later: “My uncle has already appeared, thank God.”

Facebook Screenshot / Lisette Fong / Lisbet Alejandra Arcaya

This is very good news, amid the wave of violence that is plaguing the country with more and more crimes and disappearances.

At this time the Cuban community is disappointed with this The disappearance of Cuban-American Yorgelguis Bolaños Fernández from the municipality of MadrugaIn Mayabeque, who left in his car at 11:00 pm on Sunday, January 7, and has not been heard from since.

Bolanos, 41, lives in Texas and was visiting Cuba at the time of his disappearance, where he usually stays at his mother’s house. His cell phone goes off.

The man is the father of three children, a boy and two girls, the youngest being just four years old. Anyone can call 53004287 or 55060224 to talk to their mother.

His Family offers $3,000 reward Whoever gives them “reliable signs of life”.

(TagstoTranslate)News from Cuba(T)Disappeared(T)Cuban Families(T)Young Cuba(T)Havana

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