This is the Helix, the first flying car ready to be sold to individuals

at 09:05


More and more announcements are made flying vehicles For personal use as an alternative to a land car. But some are already operational and ready to buy. And, if they do, it is usually necessary to obtain some type of license to fly them. On the other hand, the model which is About to go on sale in the United States This is already a concrete reality and, moreover, does not require a pilot’s license.

EVTOLs are more powerful vertical takeoff vehicles with multiple motors, similar to drones, with a person inside to fly it from one location to another. Within this category of flying cars, helix, Which is the name of the model launched by electric aviation company Pivotal, now ready for marketing. These can be purchased before this summer Only after paying an amount as reservation.

Its dimensions are 4×4 meters and its weight does not reach 175 kg, as it is made mainly of carbon fiber. It is a single-seater vehicle and apparently its engines are 100% electric. Its battery has a storage of 8 kWh.

ultralight category

The main advantage is that your driver/pilot You do not need a pilot’s certificate from the US administrationThat’s one less hurdle for anyone who wants to get their hands on one of these attractive aerial vehicles. It is legally considered ultralight. However, its movement through the air is subject to certain conditions, such as the prior course of its owner.

On the other hand, the biggest disadvantage is that, at the moment, Its flight range is really limited: 31 kilometers, Which makes it a transportation system for short distances, but not for long distances.

The charging time of its battery is between 75 minutes to 4.5 hours, Its speed reaches 55 knots i.e. about 100 kilometers per hour.

What is the price of this ‘toy’? According to the Pivotal Helix website, there are three versions of the vehicle The cheapest one costs 173,600 eurosWhile the most expensive rises to 237,600 euros with an intermediate model.

The helix is ​​easy to transport and assemble. According to the manufacturer, in half an hour it is ready to take off, which, given its vertical takeoff, can be done practically anywhere.

All helix features On this website:


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