They identify the adult who was with missing Cuban child in Cienfuegos

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Wednesday 24 January 2024

The adult who accompanied Alexander Turino Nualla, a 14-year-old boy who went missing this week in Cienfuegos state, has been identified as Jacinto Octavio Rivero Lee.

Reports on social media suggest the man is known as “Chinese Li” and lives in Cañon Sur.

Some users have provided new information about the case. “They caught fish in aluminum boats. The light they had was visible till four in the morning (on Sunday), then nothing was seen. The search continued even today, but no results were found. Search for land will also be done tomorrow (Wednesday). He leaves the little house next to the Rancho Luna hotel at 7 a.m.,” said Janet Cella Ramirez of Cuba.

Meanwhile, he said that “they told them not to go out, because the weather was bad… They were baited by some boys who had come to the corn field where Alexander’s father’s family is.”

However, another user raised concerns by saying that two bodies had appeared but they were not his.

In recent hours, the independent platform YoSíTeCreo in Cuba launched a Mayday alert regarding the disappearance of the child.

According to what they explain, the child was last seen on January 20 in Punta Tamarindo, Rancho Luna, Cienfuegos, where he went fishing with another elderly man, who is missing. The boy lives in the city of Cienfuegos.

“Ale was wearing a black jumpsuit, yellow sweater, gray padded jacket and red and black coat. He is about 1.60 meters tall, slim, with black hair, brown eyes and light mulatto skin,” he indicated.

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