They managed to film the world’s rarest white whale

The existence of this whale was first discovered in 2003.

In recent days, a surprising discovery came to light, out of the ordinary for nature lovers: it is the “world’s rarest whale”, sighted for the second time in history and, on this occasion, off the coast of Thailand. Was. ,

By: The Nation

It all happened when a group of tourists on a rented boat near Phuket spotted this sea creature that caught their attention during a trip on New Year’s Day.

Obviously, they decided to capture this moment on video, so the spectacular swimming of a group of Omura’s whales in the Andaman Sea was recorded. The surprise was twofold: one of them was completely white, which aroused great curiosity.

The photos were shared with the authorities and the environmental protection organization ThaiWhales, who decided to publicize the material that caused a worldwide stir, as it is an important discovery. In the report, they published the clip in which they detailed that it was an “exciting and one-of-a-kind marine discovery”.

You can read the full note here Nation

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