They stopped producing bread again in this province of Cuba

Cuba today is facing a new crisis of wheat flour to make bread for the basic basket. The “stability” lasted very short time, about two weeks. Now, once again food production has been shut down in many provinces of the island.

The latest case is that of Villa Clara. Last weekend, the region ran out of raw materials for the production of daily bread. The announcement came “a little late” after consumers began expressing their dissatisfaction last Sunday.

This Monday the food production company reported on the impossibility of producing the demanded standardized bread due to the lack of key raw materials. Odell Duenas, director of the state unit, referred to the issue.

“It has become impossible to make bread for a basic basket since this weekend. According to what he told the local station, “We still don’t know when we will be able to resume this distribution that we used to do every other day to warehouses and other points of sale in the province.” cmhw,

The executive confirmed that “the availability of flour in Villa Clara is minimal. This is just enough to guarantee bread in hospitals, maternity and nursing homes, grandparents’ homes, blood banks and day care centres. As part of school breakfast, distribution to homes and basic secondary schools of children without family protection will also be prioritized.

endless wait

Food industry officials expect a ship carrying 235 tonnes of wheat flour to arrive in the coming days. The ship is en route to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. With its arrival in Cuban ports, the production of standardized breads will resume, at least partially.

Prensa Latina news agency indicated the shipment would touch Cuban soil through the port of Mariel. This represents a preference for raw materials for the west of the island.

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(TagstoTranslate)Food crisis(T)Cuba(T)Bread shortage(T)Bread shortageCuba(T)Wheat flour(T)Raw materials(T)Basic basket bread(T)Bodega bread(T)Villa Clara

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