This is what will happen to cell phones on the day of the solar eclipse in Texas

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officers of texas warn about service cell phone during the next solar eclipse 2024Because it can have an impact, because it is expected that the number of users will double due to visitors in small cities.

The situation may be similar to that at a festival, where the telephone master becomes overwhelmed by the number of people holding phones in the same area, however, this may happen at multiple locations due to the large number of people. visitor volume Which is expected to happen on Monday, April 8.

Thousands of tourists expected to view 2024 solar eclipse in Texas

Local officials have issued disaster declarations for several cities in the region. Texas Hill Country Due to the sudden influx of tourists on 8 April.

city ​​of only st anthony Can get between Rs 500 thousand to ten lakhs visitors On that day, conditions may arise that may cause traffic problems, as well as affect telephone service, which may affect the reception of emergency calls.

officials of Killeenpointed out that using SMS to communicate during an astronomical event is ideal.

Citizens are encouraged to “text if you can, call if you need to.” Due to the bandwidth of video calls and calls in general, it is best for citizens to use text messages to communicate on April 8, 2024 to limit congestion on cellular networks.

In chervilOfficials have indicated that as many as half a million people could crowd into the small town to view the 2024 solar eclipse. It is in this city where NASA will set up to broadcast the eclipse live, which will be a big attraction for visitors.

Impact on telephone service could last for hours

Officials in Kerrville say communications problems may continue even after the astronomical event.

If these interruptions occur, they may last for several hours. phones Conventional wiring will likely not be affected, and in an emergency it is recommended to know where the nearest wiring is.

(tagstotranslate)solar eclipse 2024

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