This sci-fi movie with Scarlett Johansson made +$450 million: It’s free on this Netflix competitor

culture news This sci-fi movie with Scarlett Johansson made +$450 million: It’s free on this Netflix competitor

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If you don’t know what to watch, this feature film is currently available on this new completely free streaming platform!

The advantage of streaming platforms is that you can watch a lot of content that is part of the service’s catalog. Between movies, series, documentaries and reality TV, subscribers always have something to watch, whether quality or not. In addition, programs on different streaming platforms are becoming more and more attractive, especially with Disney+, which has franchises such as Marvel and Star Wars, or even Amazon Prime Video with The Lord of the Rings. Is. So when so many services offer such interesting content it can be difficult to make a choice.

However, one element can quickly tip the balance: price. Unfortunately, these platforms come at a cost and some people take advantage of their popularity by raising the price of membership too much. That’s why turning to freebies is a completely reasonable choice, especially in these difficult times. In this context, TF1 released a few days ago its own streaming platform, simply named TF1+, which has the distinction of being completely free., It offers a lot of content that airs on the channel plus replays of shows like Belle la Vie or even Star Academy, but also big budget movies. For example, you can find Lucy by Luc Besson on this new free platform.

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This sci-fi movie with Scarlett Johansson made +$450 million: It's free on this Netflix competitor

Lucy by Luc Besson on TF1+

Lucy is a science fiction film by Luc Besson released in 2014. It tells the story of a young schoolgirl who works as a mule for drug smugglers against her will. So they put a packet of blue powder, an experimental substance, in his stomach. After being hit in the stomach, the package burst and the medicines spread throughout his body. Subsequently, she finds that her intellectual abilities are developing infinitely. The reception of this feature film has been relatively positive, despite several criticisms particularly related to its unreliability. It remains an entertaining program even today. So if you’ve never seen it or want to see it again, it’s available completely free on TF1+.

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