This Toyota Hilux from 20 years ago is a gem for zero kilometer fans

A loyal follower of Toyota was well aware 20 years ago that he could make a ‘treasure’ by having three new units of Hilux, Model 2000.

In Argentina, the trio’s presence on social networks Toyota Hilux, manufactured more than 20 years ago In this same country. pick-up units After being stored for so long they saw the light again, They are the property of the same owner, they are model 2000 and were not used, so their The odometer should read “0” or only a few kilometers.
Of course, this isn’t the first story of collectors or ‘Toyotas’, or people who have never had vehicles in their collection. However, there are several elements that attract attention in this case. he is oneThe three Hilux pickups in question are the first models to be built in South America.Absolutely in Zarate, Based on the fifth global generation.
Besides, Corresponds to SR5 variant, at the top of the range at that time. Still, counting on one Retro design and very different features Which we now see in the truck. But what is certain is that since then, and many years before that, it has earned a reputation Reliable, mechanically efficient and suitable for off-road conditions.

toyota hilux 2000

2000 toyota hilux are not for sale

We believe this will be one of the inspirations for its owner to highlight his beloved Toyota Hilux I was trying to sell them, but no, I just wanted to share these automotive ‘jewels’ with the world so they can be admired. What’s more, we are in the age of social mediaWhere his pictures could go viral, and they did.
At that time (early 2000s) Japanese pick-ups were still decoratedn Various Chrome Accessories, such as the rectangular-designed radiator grille with square headlights on each side; Front and rear bumpers, as well as rearview mirrors and wheels. The exterior color of each copy varies: one white, another light brown and the last dark brown, all with graphics.
its interior remains intactEven the seats retain the protective plastic with which it left the dealership indicating that its owner’s objective from the beginning was to collect them. Regarding its propulsion system, the Hilux SR5 of that time, It was equipped with a non-turbo diesel engine, capable of delivering 78 horsepower.
from there, It didn’t take many years for trucks to gain more modern features and close to today’s people, as well as a very powerful propulsion system, Although they are not for sale, it is known that this small collection of Hilux can sell for a good amount of money.

Also Read: Toyota Hilux Champ – This is what this pick-up will look like in its most rugged and most capable aspect

Jessica Paola Vera Garcia. Source: World Transportation

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