This vegetable neglected in Spain has twice the potassium of bananas and reduces inflammation in the body.

A good diet is essential to maintain adequate health and prevent potential diseases. In fact, nutrition experts say that following a diet rich in vitamins, proteins, fiber and minerals improves the quality of life. Experts’ recommendations also include vegetables that should be part of Daily food for great contribution of essential nutrients.

Among all this there is a green leafy vegetable recognized for its health benefits, highlighting its richness in vitamins K, A, E and B complex: chard. It contains essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and ironAs well as dietary fiber, making it beneficial for digestive health and preventive against constipation.

Additionally, chard has anti-inflammatory properties due to antioxidants like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which help reduce inflammation and are useful in. Prevention of diseases like osteoarthritis and protection of the heart. Scientific studies support its healthy importance, especially in reducing oxidative stress.

Benefits of Chard

Chard is a nutrient-rich vegetable that has a variety of health benefits, starting with its contribution to heart health. Due to its magnesium content, it helps maintain normal heart rate Potassium helps control blood pressure. Furthermore, it also contributes to improving bone health due to its calcium, magnesium and vitamin K, which strengthens bones and helps prevent bone diseases like osteoporosis.

On the other hand, this vegetable is one of the most recommended vegetables to protect the body from various diseases. Joint-related, such as osteoarthritis. Due to its high antioxidant content, it helps reduce oxidative damage in the joints and surrounding tissues, while the vitamin C present in it helps preserve bone tissue and is responsible for protecting cartilage cells.

(This is an under-eaten vegetable in Spain that fights anemia and has antioxidant power)

Similarly, it also has antioxidant properties that help protect cells from free radicals, reduce the risk of suffering from various chronic diseases and improve eye health. The benefits derived from its dietary fiber content should be included inLike improving digestion and preventing constipation.

Chard is beneficial for them too People who suffer from diabetes or are at risk of developing it, Since its consumption helps control blood sugar levels, as well as for those who aim for weight loss, since, being low in calories and high in fiber, it can promote weight loss. Mainly because of its satiating effect. In addition, inspired by its content of vitamins A and C, it is recommended to anyone for its contribution to good skin health and the prevention of premature aging.

In this way, we are faced with a vegetable whose benefits are much greater than we initially thought, which is why it is highly recommended to make it part of a healthy and balanced diet.

How to Cook Chard

Despite its numerous health benefits, chard is a very underrated vegetable, mainly because it is often not cooked the way it should be. To be able to better understand them in the kitchen, it is essential to know how to make the most of them.

It is a vegetable that is perfect for making dishes like rice, risotto, salads… It is advisable to choose the freshest items when purchasing, Smooth and shiny, so that the leaves do not blacken and they are kept in the refrigerator until they are to be used. Additionally, chard can be frozen, in which case it is advisable to first separate the leaves from the stems, and then blanch for one minute. In this case, they will be much softer, and this is an ideal way to use them immediately when needed for soups, curries, stews…

(Forget salad: three very similar vegetables but with far more nutrients)

To prepare fresh chard, you must wash it thoroughly under the tap, to get rid of all residues of soil that it may contain, in addition it is common to remove hair, threads that can form balls when eaten and that leave It is better to give…

The most common way to prepare them is Cook them in salted water for several minutes, And then strain them and prepare them according to the recipe you want to make. However, to minimize the loss of nutrients, it is advisable to cook only with water left after washing, without covering, and stirring with a wooden spoon. This way they retain their color better and their flavor becomes more intense. When preparing them this way, it is advisable to add a splash of lemon or apple cider vinegar to spice them up.

The possibilities that this vegetable offers us are numerous, and range from enjoying them raw in salads to preparing rolls or wraps, including chard blanched, stewed, in stews, sautéed in stir-fries or in a pan. Is. In this way, each person can enjoy its benefits as per his wish and most likes.

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