This was the kidnapping of Juan Freitas, head of the campaign team of Venezuelan opposition Maria Corina Machado.

Kidnapping of Juan Freitas, director of Venta Venezuela Command, in Vargas

Agents of the Chavista regime in Venezuela kidnapped an opposition leader in broad daylight this Tuesday juan frites, head of the campaign team of presidential candidate María Corina Machado. Eyewitnesses indicated that he was stopped while he was traveling on a road in Vargas state, apparently by members of the DGCIM (Directorate General of Military Counterintelligence).

Security camera footage at the kidnapping site showed how Freeites A group of people ambushed him and forced him into a van, which immediately left the area for an unknown destination.

The human rights committee of Vente Venezuela, the party led by María Corina Machado, condemned the arrest on social networks. “Warning. “The regime has detained Juan Freitas, state coordinator of @VenteVargas and head of the expeditionary command,” he indicated. “On January 23 they took him by force. “Enough of the political persecution!” he said.

Maduro regime detained opposition leader Juan Freitas

Machado, on the other hand, condemned this Tuesday that his party headquarters appeared with graffiti alluding to the recent “anti-terrorism” slogans of the Nicolás Maduro regime.

Machado released a video on social networks in front of the house in Caracas where the Vente Venezuela political organization operates. On the road, in red letters, the phrase “Bolivarian Force”, In reference to a political plan announced by Maduro last week to deal with “any terrorist attempt”. On the wall, in short, “FB”.

Machado, who won the primaries of Venezuela’s main opposition coalition and condemned similar vandalism at party headquarters in six other states, criticized “He believes that with this he can fulfill the will of those “Are going to scare those who are determined to bring about change.” “Nicolás Maduro has chosen to be a repressive candidate”, He continued. “As he knows he doesn’t have the votes, he tries to hide behind threats, guns or sentences, because he knows he is going to lose. “Leave fear and measure yourself!”

Venezuelan opponent Maria Corina Machado (EFE/Reiner Pena R.)

Venezuela plans to hold presidential elections in the second half of 2024According to an agreement signed by the regime and the opposition, brokered by Norway. The United States, also a protagonist in the process, pressured Chavismo to create a mechanism to challenge disqualification, which Machado accepted despite not recognizing the sanction against him.

Powerful Chavista leader Diosdado Cabello, vice president of Venezuela’s government United Socialist Party (PSUV), announced on Monday the “activation of the Bolivarian fury plan in all states, all municipalities.” Maduro, a natural candidate for re-election, last Thursday defined it as “a civilian, military and police plan to counter any terrorist and coup attempt, no matter how it occurs.”

(With information from AFP)

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