Tragedy in Machu Picchu: Two people missing due to Huaco, which also affected rail lines

Similarly, 14 people were injured after being hit by Huaiko. Photos: successful

In Cuzco, the collapse of Huayco left two people missing and damaged the train track that leads to Machu Picchu, one of Peru’s most symbolic tourist destinations.

The incident happened exactly in this sector MandoreOn the afternoon of last Sunday, as the effect of the overflow of Wilkanota River payable It has been raining heavily here since last week.

According to miguel angel oscoCoordinator of the Regional Emergency Operations Center (COER) of Cuzco, victims minor under 12 years of age and a 45-year-old man was identified wilbert humanResidents of the area and all traces of whom have been lost.

“These are two residents of the area. No houses have been affected. At present, monitoring and cleaning work on the railway is being carried out by the concessionaire company,” Osco said. Republic,

Apart from this, he said that 14 people have been injured and are now undergoing treatment at the health center. Machu Picchu Pueblo Health Center,

Photo: Huaico in Machu Picchu. Photo: Indesi

Local authorities and emergency teams have taken the initiative search and rescue operations, However, operations have been complicated by the continued instability of the terrain and adverse weather conditions.

celia visaOne of the survivors shared his harrowing experience, describing how the Huiko suddenly surrounded them, preventing any attempt to escape.

“We couldn’t run away; Then Huaico engulfed a girl and a man,” Viza said, describing the speed and force with which the natural phenomenon hit passersby. without giving time for reactions,

Celia Viza, a survivor in Huaico, said the landslide happened suddenly. , Facebook/Noel Peru

Meanwhile, as a result of this fact, Transandino Railways SA -The company in charge of managing the railway route in the south and south-east of the country announced that it would need two days to repair the middle track hydroelectricity And Machu Picchu City After damage caused by landslides and rockslides was recorded between kilometer 114 and 115.

The company estimates that operations will be resumed once restoration work is completed in the affected area. For this reason, the railway routes connecting both the points have been ordered to be temporarily suspended.

The company has asked the railway operators to take necessary measures regarding this temporary suspension and has promised to inform immediately any updates in this regard restoration of services,

They announce the closure of the pedestrian and railway route in coordination with FETRANSA, the concessionaire company that provides railway transportation in the area.

Heavy rain The risk of floods and landslides has increased significantly in various areas. However, low-lying and hilly areas are at greater risk given the potential for overflow and soil saturation, respectively.

long rain They are capable of greatly increasing flows in rivers and streams, causing overflows that primarily affect communities living near these water bodies.

Senmahi warns of the possible presence of sinkholes on the northern coast of Peru after heavy rains

On the other hand, in mountainous terrainExcess water can cause soil instability, leading to landslides that can carry away everything in its path, from homes to essential communication routes.

These conditions not only pose an immediate threat to people living in these areas, but also complicate rescue and relief efforts.

Given the increase in rainfall and emissions orange and red alert By the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (SENAMHI), the population of the affected areas is urged to adopt precautionary measures. These alert levels indicate its presence dangerous weather events and of great magnitude,

Given this, key recommendations include:

  1. Increase the level of caution.
  2. Stay informed about climate developments.
  3. Follow the orders given by the competent authorities.
  4. Keep with you the telephone numbers of the fire department (116) and the national police (105).
  5. Organize an emergency first aid kit and keep a flashlight and battery-powered radio.
  6. Perform a general inspection of your home to identify cracks, crevices, leaks, damaged pipes and other damage that may require repair.
  7. Provide a stockpile of water and non-perishable food.

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