Trendy headphones on TikTok with which you won’t need to learn languages

Traveling, going to conferences, chatting with friends abroad… with these headphones you will find yourself understood and

Traveling abroad, meeting clients of another nationality, learning languages… These are all situations in which many people usually have the headache of fighting with English, French, German, Chinese… and of course Spanish. , But, if artificial intelligence is helping many people, the truth is that even simpler solutions exist today and with less learning. For example, using simultaneous translation headphones such as Timekettle WT2 Edge, We’ve tried them and here we’re going to tell you everything we thought about them.

Timekettle WT2 Edge Voice Translator Headphones

*Some prices may have changed since last review

In the box for Timekettle WT2 Edge

Let’s go by parts; The first thing is what can we find in their box Timekettle WT2 Edge, In a square box, with a semi-transparent top, the presentation of these headphones is excellent.

Upon lifting the lid of said box, we find a small instruction booklet, The quality is far above what we typically find in other products, Its size is very small, and has an unusual rectangular shape, but the most important information is available to us in a good number of languages, including of course Spanish.

Under this we get a case with headphones inside. It has a “pill” shaped case, which is normally quite square, although with its very rounded edges, they make these Very comfortable in your hand or pocket,

If we lift the base in which the case is inserted we also find the equipment. On the one hand, we have a card that offers us credit Buy Downloadable Languages, It is a typical card with a scratch area behind which a code is hidden, as we can see in other services such as PSN, Spotify, etc.

We also have two small cardboard boxes on one side of which, we find, in the smallest, few sets of silicone case,Non-slip, to put on headphones. They’re not quite like the silicone tips that other headphones usually have, and they have a neater function than adjustments.

In the second box we find A pair of USB-A to USB-C charging cables and ear hooksIt’s very convenient to avoid dropping the WT2, as they are not the most ergonomic headphones on the market.

As we see, these headphones they couldn’t be more perfect,


design of Timekettle WT2 Edge This is probably the most bittersweet part of the product, as it leaves us with mixed emotions. They have great quality and design overall, but they are not very ergonomic due to the shape of the headphones.

Aside, The ingredients are generally excellent, both on the box and on the headphones. As requested, perhaps it would be nice if the case cover had a little more stability. In turn, said case has a more than pleasant tactile sensation, being very, very soft as well as being very resistant.

there is also a case Four LEDs indicating charging status About its battery and whether it is charging or full when connected to the cable.

Headphones are along the same lines. These have earpiece design with pin, like AirPods (1st or 2nd generation), have silicone tips. The problem is that they are larger than these and hence do not fit in the ear.

WT2 Edge vs AirPods 2nd Generation

To overcome this problem, the pack includes those silicone pads that we have already mentioned, but they only cover the earphones themselves, for example, they are not inserted into the ear canal, making them a little less Become slippery. , but they don’t so, we don’t get the grip we want We may be too dependent on ear hooks (which are also included and removable), if we want to prevent them from falling at any time.

These silicone cases, as we have already mentioned, have a clean work Since one way to use headphones is to share the hearing aid with our interlocutor, so that both users receive the translation of both languages ​​simultaneously and maintain a fluid conversation with the headphones.

On the other hand, there are headphones touch controlIntegrated into the upper part of the temples, which also has a light status indicator.


Pairing is very easy in this case, because everything is already Via the headphones’ own app, As soon as we start, we will have to download it from here gather, whether it’s Apple or Google. Once this is done, in just three or four steps, upon logging in, our headphones will be connected to the smartphone.

In the first pair we are introduced Various usage situations, from which we will choose those we think will be our regulars. For example, I chose “Simultaneous Mode”, “Listening Mode”, “Speaker Mode”, and “Touch Mode”.

Each mode has certain usage situations, and is designed for both a single user and sharing a second headset with our interlocutor.

control and operation

Each of the ways of use that WT2 Edge makes available to us a little tutorial Which shows us on the screen of our smartphone how to use them in each situation. Overall, all the modes are useful and provide coverage for practically any situation that comes to mind. From chatting with someone who has other headphones like us, to sharing headphones with someone with whom we want to chat or from whom we expect information.

even We get help in conversation through mobile screen It can be “split in two”, with one half of the written text pointing towards one interlocutor and the other half towards the other.

It is true to use them fully Smartphones have become almost essential, We are not talking about completely autonomous headphones, although they allow you to work without a screen in some cases.

On the other hand, We can use these both online and offline, Online use is what is programmed by default, while offline mode requires us to download the language or languages ​​we want to use.

right here balance card included With headphones having their own “currency” system. The unit of exchange is “fish”. The card that comes with the headphones comes with a balance of 30 fish, which is the maximum, but you can also buy 10 and 5 fish at a price of 60, 20 and 10 euros respectively.

Each pair of languages ​​​​that we want to download costs 5 fish, so, in theory, with headphones we will have access to the maximum 6 language packs Offline, each cost us 10 euros.

It is clear that if we plan to use the headphones where we do not have data coverage, we will need offline languages, but we also have to clarify that Translation response is very fastIn which there is no lag in case of offline and we must know if we will be dependent on our connection when we want to use them.

passed 8 packs to download, (at least for now, it is possible that this figure will be increased in the future), but, yes, languages ​​are not downloaded individually, but in translation pairs, like English – Spanish, Chinese – French, etc. Of course, just because there are 8 language packs to download does not mean that those are the only ones we can use: online we have total 40 of themAnd besides, many people have many different pronunciations.


Regarding the most important aspect of these headphones, translation, we can say that they accomplish more than that, Although it is true that we cannot guarantee that they work in certain languages, after testing them mainly in English, we can say that with these headphones You can have a smooth conversation without any problems, Of course, offline languages ​​are better than online ones. Because, as we have already said, if we use them without downloading the language packs, we will have some lag while waiting for the response.

In terms of accuracy, headphones translate to almost everything corresponds to what is said in another language, The meaning of the conversation has been captured perfectly, except for some minor changes or translations that could be improved.

As I say, I have the knowledge of languages ​​that I have. I’ve tried English, French, German or Chinese, but I don’t know the last two languages, so I can’t say how accurate the translations are in those languages, but considering the level of the languages ​​I know, I In fact they will be just as reliable.

Is the Timekettle WT2 Edge for me?

This is the question many people will ask when encountering a product It’s not cheap at all, However, these headphones are much more than a device They really are a service. (And it’s appreciated that they are not a subscription service), as we are used to the prices of other headphones, the price of these which is on par with many high-end headphones is going to seem excessive to us. Especially considering that these cannot be used as traditional headphones and are only used for translating.

anyway, it happens to me Several situations in which disbursements may come in handy, For example, people who travel frequently, who work in tourism, as guides, who are learning a language, who attend international conferences… there are many possibilities.

It must be said here that the time for these headphones is probably now, and not until next year or longer, because given the developments in artificial intelligence, brands like Samsung are already emphasizing its Galaxy S24 in this sense. Well, it could be that the expiry date of these headphones is also not far away.

Price and Conclusion

Having said all the above, it must be said that as a product and service in general, Timekettle WT2 Edge feels (almost) round to us, They fulfill perfectly the function for which they are designed, and with them we will not have much problem in understanding them or explaining them to ourselves.

Timekettle WT2 Edge Voice Translator Headphones

*Some prices may have changed since last review

In contrast, our price is approximately 349.99 euros which includes credits for approximately 6 language packs, which we feel a little high: As we say, it can be compared to high-end headphones like the AirPods Pro, or the Sony WH-1000XM5, but one small problem is that the Timekettle will definitely not allow us to listen to music.

Overall, there are a few more flaws with these headphones, such as ergonomics, which are easily forgiven given how well they perform the task they are designed for.

So, in general, their rating from our side is excellent and we can say that if we are clear about what they are for, they are absolutely recommended.





in favor of

  • They translate well in more than reasonable time
  • They translate by both voice and writing
  • many possibilities of language
  • That’s not a subscription service


  • price
  • that offline languages ​​are paid
  • which cannot be used as traditional headphones

If we travel a lot, move around or often work with foreign people whose language we do not speak or we want to learn a language, we Timekettle WT2 Edge They are there for us. They come highly recommended and whatever flaws they have (which there are some), are completely forgivable given how well they serve their purpose.

This product has been provided by the brand for testing. You have more information about the WT2 Edge on the Timekettle website.

Images: Timekettle | manu garcia

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