Troops seized a rifle and took a woman into custody at the home of Brian “Cuco” Angulo

A military operation At the Santiago de Roldos cooperative, south of Guayaquil, they left a confiscated rifle and a detained woman.

This military operation was conducted south of Guayaquil on the afternoon and evening of Saturday, January 13, 2024.

This resulted in a woman being captured and arrested gunIt was a rifle.

According to newspaper Extra, the woman, who has not been identified, said she had rented the house two days ago.

Woman could not justify possession of rifle inside the house In which she was.

According to residents of the sector, said house belongs to the football player Brian Angulo, who plays for The Strongest Club in Bolivia.

A luxury all-terrain vehicle, a Chevrolet brand Suburban model, was parked outside the house.

It was told that the said car of Mexican origin did not have a license plate and all its windows were black.

Football player Brian Angulo’s grandfather visited the site trespass,

The citizen assured that the presence of weapons in the house was for personal protection, and not for ties with criminal groups.

“Whatever my grandson has achieved is because of football, not because of anything illegal,” he said.

Detained woman transferred military barracks To continue the legal process.

The army confiscated the rifle and initiated relevant proceedings before the justice authorities.

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