TSJ declares inadmissible the demand for annulment regarding political disqualification of Enzo Scarano

Enzo Scarano. , Photo: Twitter/@ENZOSCARANO

The Political-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) declared inadmissible this Friday the claim for annulment of the disqualification presented by Vicencio Scarano against the resolution issued in 2017 by the Comptroller General of the Republic.


In the judgment published on the TSJ’s website – the TSJ declared its jurisdiction “to hear a claim for annulment filed jointly with an action for constitutional precautionary protection”, however, it added “in proceedings for recusal Declared the claim “unacceptable”. ,

In this sense, the TSJ referred the claim presented by Scarano to the Constitutional Chamber in October 2023, to evaluate the actions to be taken within the framework of the mechanisms established in the Barbados Agreements.

Delegations from the Unitary Platform of Chavismo and a region of the opposition signed two partial agreements on the day of talks held in the city of Bridgetown, Barbados, and the resumption of the negotiation process.

Partial agreements refer to the promotion of political rights and additional guarantees for all and the protection of the vital interests of the nation.

The first partial agreement on the promotion of political rights and additional guarantees was expressed in response to the Memorandum of Understanding signed in Mexico on August 13, 2021, and agreed on the essentials, following the guidelines of the Bolivarian Constitution and other laws of the country Was. The conditions of electoral procedures are met with all guarantees.

(tagstotranslate)Enzo Scarano

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