UJA and Red Promo to implement a protocol to improve the emotional well-being of youth

Jane, 15 (Europa Press)

University of Jain (UJA) and Promo Network will implement the ProCare initiative to improve the health and emotional well-being of adolescents in Jain province. This protocol, funded by the Djenn Provincial Council, is for youth aged 12 to 18, and aims to evaluate and provide psychological strategies to emotionally strengthen adolescents who need it.

The Vice-Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Jaén, María Victoria López, Professor of Psychology at the UJA and First Vice President Luis Joaquín García, Chief in Charge of the Promo and ProCare Network, participated in the presentation. Of ProCare Protocol. and Provincial Deputy for Equality, Social Policies and Youth, Francisca Medina, and Provincial Deputy for Equality and Youth, María Dolores Ruiz.

In her speech, Mª Victoria López highlighted “the collaboration with the Provincial Council to advance an ambitious project so that families and youth can access free of charge initiatives to emotionally strengthen youth in the Jaén province.”

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Similarly, the Vice-Rector has stressed UJA’s commitment as an institution to promote the health and emotional well-being of young people through research such as ProCare.

In turn, Luis Joaquín García highlights that ProCare is an “international pioneer” for being the first selective prevention program for young people between 12 and 18 years old at risk of suffering emotional problems. In that sense, he added the importance of “this type of evidence-based initiative, which contributes to improving the emotional state of our youth.”

For her part, Francisca Medina highlighted that the Jaén Provincial Council has been committed to youth for “many years”, developing public policies that benefit the youth of the province and that this project is “another step because It allows to better understand” The problems related to the mental health of our youth, on the other hand, will soon become those of our entire society.

Finally, María Dolores Ruiz highlighted that “This initiative is in line with the Youth Plan of the Provincial Council, which aims at the well-being of our youth, allowing them to be emotionally healthy and able to It can choose resources and policies for Will be attended by experts”.

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The screening will be done in three phases, which are defined on the project website. In the first, the adolescent and his family electronically complete a questionnaire on emotional aspects. This tool will allow you to identify whether you are at risk or at high risk of suffering from an emotional problem such as anxiety or depression. Additionally, all participants will receive free information about emotional health and well-being outcomes.

In the second phase, young people can benefit from a workshop on emotional strength and resilience in the face of current and future adversities. This way, they will learn to cope with risky situations and enhance their communication skills. Likewise, they will receive an additional customized module on situations that make them feel unsafe.

Finally, six months and one year after the end of the workshop, they can hold reminiscence sessions to consolidate the gains made and evaluate the progress of the participating students on an emotional level.

Along with the provincial administration, Rovira i Virgili University, Miguel Hernández University and the University of Miami, as well as national and international external advisory councils also collaborate in the ProCare project.

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