US government supports antitrust lawsuit against FIFA policy

Relevant Sports, which is controlled by Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, is the plaintiff.

New York (AP) – Administration of the President united states joe biden Sided with the developer who filed an antitrust suit against him fifa And this football federation Of usa about the policy of world football’s governing body against holding league games in other countries and asked the Supreme Court to allow the case to be heard.

Attorney General Elizabeth B. In a 23-page report filed by Prelogar, the government said the Supreme Court should review the case and let the 2023 Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision stand.

The federation “did not act independently. Instead, it colluded with a member association that adopted a policy binding its member associations and relied on that policy as alleged justification for refusing to sanction the proposed matches,” the government wrote.

The government said the federation was “not randomly selected as a member fifaNor was he a passive entity or an unconscious spectator in the adoption and compliance of the 2018 policy.

relevant gameswho controls the owner of miami dolphins stephen ross Announced in August 2018 that it intends to host a meeting of barcelona against him girona In Miami Gardens, Florida.

But in October 2018 fifa indicated that its board of directors has adopted a policy that “emphasizes the sporting principle that official league games should be played within the territory of the relevant member of the Association.” Barcelona abandoned its commitment to play Florida,

The federation refused to grant another permit. Relevant Sports To authorize a league duel between the two teams in 2019 Ecuador,

Relevant Sports They sued, claiming this was a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and tortious interference.

In July 2021, District Judge Valerie Caproni granted the federation a motion to dismiss the antitrust lawsuit. The Second Circuit of Appeals ruled in March 2023 with Chief Justice Debra Ann Livingston and Circuit Judge Raymond J. Lohier Jr. and Gerard E. Lynch reinstated the antitrust case in a unanimous decision.

The federation asked the Supreme Court to hear the case in August and invited the government to submit a report giving its opinion in November.

fifa filed a new motion to dismiss with the trial date set for December, saying the federation is not its agent in the country and the court has no jurisdiction over it. fifa, While the Federation of usa Filed a motion to dismiss the case on the grounds that the charges were barred by a settlement reached in 2016 between the federation and Relevant.

fifaFederation and lawyers Relevant Sports, Jeffrey KesslerDid not respond to requests for comment.

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