USD Classic Card offers new discounts

Cuban financial company Cimex SA announced new discounts for its USD Classic card. Know the details.

The Classic Card, denominated in US dollars, is a new financial product that can be purchased and used at point-of-sale (POS) terminals throughout the country’s commercial network.

Among its benefits, the entity specifies that although its main purpose is to be used in the network of service centers in USD, it can be used in MLC and CUP stores according to the current official exchange rate.

Similarly, it also offers discounts in some stores when you make purchases with this card.

Precisely, from Facebook, Fincimex reported this Thursday: “5% discount on Trimagen, one of the Classica promotions. do not miss it!”.

If you don’t know, Producciones Trimigen SA offers a wide range of services such as photography, audiovisual, digital printing, framing, sublimation and personalization.

What do they think about the USD Classic Card

Opinions vary regarding the new discount on the USD Classic card. Some users believe that the 5% discount is a good initiative, while others think it should be higher.

“Here in Cuba they think 5% is a huge amount. Why don’t they leave it at 10 or 15? That is why this country cannot move forward because it is so pathetic in thought and action,” one user reacted.

USD Classic Card purchases and balances

To purchase a Classic USD card, an initial payment of 5 USD must be made. From this amount, 4 USD is deducted for card purchases and 1 USD is credited to the balance. This operation is done only for the first time. After this, the customer can reload the card with the amount he wants, paying 1 USD to Cadaca for each reload.

It is important to note that the balance of the USD Classic card is not refundable and can be withdrawn only in CUP at Cadacas and bank windows. The card does not allow transfers to other cards or operations via TransferMovil.

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