WalterMed will pull data directly from clinical histories

Waltermaid’s potential has not been fully exploited. This device of National Health System (SNS) It is used to determine the therapeutic value in actual clinical practice medicinesAlthough this does not apply to everyone, it does apply to those with a high health and economic impact, Thus, with optimal information available, decisions can be taken in macro, meso and micro management of pharmaceutical provision at different stages of the product cycle. In Data Collection and Compilation There may be scope for improvement in the said system.

“WalterMed is a database used primarily for Monitor pay-by-results agreementsThat is, it is paid on the basis of whether a certain outcome is achieved or not,” health ministry sources explain. medical writing, “This payment system is more adapted to the drugs that are used a small number of patients And with outcome variables that are easy to measure. It’s not a commonly used tool,” he says.

In this context, we have to focus on how to improve its operation. gathering information Of medicines. As the department led by Mónica García points out, its current configuration requires that it have its own health care professionals enter data in the database, but this means additional work for physicians. “Work is being done now to get the data Retrieve directly from medical records, When that’s the case, will increase capacity About the use of WalterMed”, please confirm with Health.

Indeed, the Executive has highlighted the need to promote training of health workers. For this reason, the sixth additional provision of funds a few months ago Law on Guarantee and Rational Use of Medicines and Health Products 57.2 million euros distributed among the autonomous communities to cover aspects such as the training of health professionals, prescription and prescription programs or. Adaptation to medication use,

improvements at waltermaid

Similarly, the pharmaceutical industry also sees an opportunity in WalterMed accelerate drug penetration In SNS, especially in the introduction of prices by indication. While the sector requests systems and records that facilitate arrival of innovationThe Health Ministry does not close the door to new formulas: “Any management tool for the entry of new medicines should seek a Balance between cost and results,

For their part, scientific societies have demanded consistent improvements to the circuit and that they should be met More resources and commercialization, The Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations (Facme) says this requires commercialization and resources. “Maybe we need to go a step further, because the evaluation system is so important health consequences will be severe“, They say.

Similarly, they ask to facilitate Integration of pharmacoclinical protocols Medicines registered in WalterMed can be stored in hospital medical records, and integrated with the system At a centralized level.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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