War between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: Actress’s brother also involved…

Angelina Jolie was able to count on the support of her brother James Haven after her divorce from Brad Pitt in 2016. guest on podcast 90who10The actor revealed that he had become very protective of his sister and her six children: “This is where it all started, It started with her and her children’s safety – My niece and nephew. JI have organized my life so that I can be present in any situation. I want to be there for them or for himNo matter what she’s going through.”he explained.

James Haven has somehow become like a new father For Angelina Jolie’s children: “They’re becoming young adults, they’re 20. I think it’s completely natural and I want to be there all the time.” Whenever I get a chance to be in his company, I want to be in his company., As a reminder, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie experienced a very stormy divorce for several years over custody of their children or their wine estate in the south of France. Star of October 2022 harmful Court documents also accuse her ex-husband of violence against their two children During an argument on a private jet.

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Angelina Jolie: Her shocking confession about her divorce from Brad Pitt

During an interview on 5 December 2023 Wall Street Journal, Angelina Jolie expressed rare confidence about her divorce from Brad Pitt, and how the breakup affected her life in general: “This is part of what happened after my divorce, I lost the ability to live and travel independently.” The actress also admitted that after the divorce, she felt the need to slow down her film projects, in order to be successful in her healing process: “We had to heal. There were some things we had to heal.” She explained while talking about herself and her children.

Photo Credit: CPA/BestImage

(TagstoTranslate)Angelina Jolie(T)Brad Pitt(T)James Haven(T)Divorce(T)Family

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