What habits should I adopt to start my morning full of energy? , welfare Physical activity Mental Health Imp Present

Did you know that the way you start your morning is important for the rest of the day? So instead of complaining about getting up early or thinking about the number of obligations you face, take advantage of these hours to start with the best attitude and full of vitality.

“These first hours of the morning should be the dose of energy your body needs to face whatever comes next,” says coach Melissa Zambrano.

Experts list five habits you should practice before starting the day:

  • first a glass of water

Start the morning by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach, this way your digestive system will become active.

Do ten minutes of stretching exercises (arms, legs, back and neck) to improve your circulation and relax the muscles.

Turn on your favorite music, turn up the volume and as they say, dance. The benefits for your physical and mental health are wide-ranging.

  • Positive phrases should never disappear

Repeat statements like ‘Today will be an amazing day’, ‘I’m going to make it’, ‘I’m strong and can do anything’ And you will see how your outlook towards life changes.

  • A healthy breakfast and we start

Remember that a balanced breakfast should contain protein, carbohydrates, fruits (whole, not juice) and healthy fats.


So that your mornings aren’t so hectic, make a list of your pending obligations the night before and arrange them by priority. This way you save time and energy.

El Nino phenomenon: How to take care of your skin from the excessive solar radiation experienced this summer?

According to officials, our temperatures will be above 30ยบ this summer due to the imminent arrival of the El Nino phenomenon, which can cause heat stroke, skin conditions and even dehydration.

Dermatologist Jacqueline Monteiro recommends following these five tips to prevent complications in this extremely hot weather:

  • Apply sunscreen with SPF (sun protection factor) greater than 50 Half an hour before going out, pay attention to the parts of the face and body that are exposed to sunlight.
  • wear a wide-brimmed hat or cap, Which protects and shades your face. And preferably they are light colored.
  • Do not wear synthetic or tight clothes, Choose loose, cotton and thin fabric clothes. This way you will stay cool during the day and avoid skin irritation, allergies, rashes and even dermatitis.
  • Drink at least two liters of water (plain) a day. If you are going out, keep a water bottle or thermos of sufficient capacity on hand so that you stay well hydrated.
  • Avoid exposing yourself to sunlight between 11 am and 4 pm. Try to organize yourself so that you are not forced to go outside at this time because that is the time when ultraviolet radiation is the highest.


You should reapply sunscreen every three hours and in the following situations: excessive sweating and minimal contact with water.

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(TagstoTranslate)Habits(T)Energy(T)Mornings(T)Happiness(T)Mental Health(T)Physical Activity(T)Attitude(T)Dance(T)Healthy Eating

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