What happens if I take blood pressure pills unnecessarily?

Have you ever wondered whether it’s a good idea to take pills For Pressure Even when they are not necessary? Below, we will tell you more about these medicines and what we should and should not do to consume these types of medicines responsibly.

What are they used for? pills against Pressure,

There are many types of medicines available for this blood pressure These are known as antihypertensives and work to regulate the blood flow that reaches our heart and travels throughout the body.

high blood pressureAlso called high blood pressure, occurs when there is too much pressure on the blood Pressure Against the walls of the arteries. The Health Ministry details that more than 30 million people in Mexico suffer from high blood pressure. in this matter blood pressure If not properly controlled, it can cause serious problems like stroke, heart failure, heart attack and kidney failure, notes the Mayo Clinic.

He medical treatment For high blood pressure It is individualized and based on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor drugs; Angiotensin receptor antagonists; thiazide diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide; Calcium channel blockers and beta blockers, others.

(Photo: Pexels)

What happens to my body if I use antihypertensive medications without need?

According to experts, if you are someone who has previously been diagnosed with blood pressure But it is controlled, it is important to continue taking the drug until the specialist in charge says otherwise, as Dr. Lilian Montserrat Torres comments through the Doctoralia portal:

If you have any data on this low pressure The ideal would be to adjust the drug dosage once a cause other than antihypertensives has been ruled out. If the figure evaluated by the specialist is considered not low but under good control, you should continue to follow the medication as detailed in a message on the platform.

On the other hand, the adverse effects of taking a medicine not prescribed by a specialist can be varied, and they may not even occur. However, self-prescribing any medicine is prohibited, because what we think is to treat high pressure Or may not be less effective because we may have symptoms of another type of condition that is not related to it blood pressure,

(Photo: Pexels)

Talk to your health care team if you have questions about yourself blood pressure And the medicines you take.

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