What is better for your health: running or walking?

We have to move forward and the more we do, the better. But not everything works and the priority is to adapt physical activity to our age, fitness status and objectives.

Run or walk? depends on. However, apparently, this answer may seem like it is opting for an ‘open ending’, like those movies that leave us halfway between irritation and intrigue because they ‘end’ without closing the plot. ‘ is reached, if anyone reads their opinion then know about it, It makes sense ‘it depends’,

Galician cardiologist Francisco R. Experts like García Fernández, who was responsible for years for more information Pre-interview with runners participating in the Madrid Marathon, “Running does not cure anything, however, on many occasions, it makes people feel better, because good physical condition is very beneficial. The prescription of ‘exercise’ should be tailored to each individual situation, age and personal characteristics., On the other hand, walking is a universal ‘command’ that everyone understands. Brisk walking or jogging is another step we usually recommend.”

Garcia Fernandez explains that “knowing Which of the two activities brings greater profit in the long run? This is one for health great scientific debate For decades but no one has managed to solve it in a clear and generally applicable way. For professional athletes, and during their active lives, we have very reliable parameters to measure adaptive changes, but these data are, obviously, too large to be able to judge people in the general population and treat them well. cannot be applied in the same manner.

Therefore, his recommendation to those who come for his consultation is that “everyone who can exercise, it is fixed accommodate each individual and should be increased progressively In every case. When a good level of personal comfort is achieved, you can proceed to the second stage: increasing the walking rhythm and then gradually walking. Since there is no monitoring at this time, there must be an increase in speed or intensity gently and never forcefully,

In this sense, he says that “Patients are becoming more cautious and want to know everything about their capabilities. Once each case is individualized, I limit myself to a general order am. First of all, he walk, Then, when they feel comfortable, walk more a little bit faster, And, when you find yourself in acceptable normal tone and without symptoms of fatigue or pain, walk at a good pace for half an hour and after that, Increase your speed until you start sweating, I don’t know any other way. Once biological anomalies are ruled out and functional anomalies are evaluated, this recommendation never hurts. Allows everyone to measure their capabilities and know their limits better, As you can see, it’s all very lyrical, but I don’t run a gym and I see patients ranging from 10 to 100 years old and I have to keep them all healthy.”

Vicente Javier Clemente Suárez, professor of sports science at the European University, also points out that ‘It Depends’ is as open-ended as it is realistic: “Running has profound benefits in terms of cardiovascular conditioning and calorie burningBut it also puts more stress on the joints and musculoskeletal system. Walking is more gentle, suitable for all fitness levels and ages, and still provides cardiovascular and mobility benefits. So, choosing one or the other (if you have to choose between them) depends on each individual’s circumstances.” In any case, he insists, it is worth remembering that our hunter-gatherer ancestors “Walking (for long journeys and tracking prey) was interspersed with moments of running (for hunting or fleeing predators). This suggests that the combination of both activities is optimal for our physiology.”

Clemente Suarez lists Special advantages and disadvantages of career, “It significantly improves heart health, lung capacity, and bone density. It is effective for weight loss and stress management. On the other side of the scale we have impact injuries such as tendonitis, “stress fractures, or knee and Have a higher risk of back problems. It is not recommended for people with certain medical conditions (such as serious heart problems).”

and also increase: “Low risk of injury, accessible to all ages and fitness levels, improves circulation, mental health and can be done anywhere. It is less efficient for rapid weight loss and the same level of fitness than running. Does not provide intense cardiovascular training.”

When? you shouldn’t run, “If you have any injury that could be aggravated by impact, such as a knee or back problem. During any serious illness, especially if it affects the respiratory system or balance. If you have any medical condition that may be aggravated by high impact.” It prohibits exercise in “or extreme weather conditions without adequate preparation.”

And when is walking not enough? “When Target Fitness exercise requires greater calorie expenditure and more intense cardiovascular training. If you’re training for a specific event that requires running (like a marathon). “When you want to significantly improve endurance or strength in the legs.”

For Agustín Rubio, CEO of Tigers Running Club, it is undeniable that “any movement done correctly, both in volume and intensity, will always be positive for health. In addition, there are minimum points that we must necessarily follow , which are those recommended by WHO itself Between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity, From my perspective, these minimums should also be seen as an act of personal hygiene and physical exercise is a way of ‘cleansing yourself from the inside, both physically and mentally’.

Rubio explains that, to deeply understand the comparison between walking and running, “we can analyze all the effects that each of these activities produces in our body and we will find scientific evidence that shows that Running provides more benefits than walking. Benefits at metabolic, cardiovascular, functional, endocrine, mental, neural levels…And it has also been shown that these adaptations and improvements are achieved with less practice time and in less time.”

However, he emphasizes that when broadcasting it is important to do so responsibly and avoid generalizations. “Each person’s reality may be different and their needs may also be different. The risk of injury is much higher when running than when walking.If done incorrectly or excessively. Therefore, it is essential to entrust yourself to the hands of qualified and experienced professionals. To know what is most beneficial for each individual based on a study of their initial physical condition, sport and clinical history. And it is also very important to prepare a roadmap for progress and improvement in a healthy manner.”

in the specific case of oncology patientsSoraya Casella, doctor in physical activity and sports sciences, creator of the ‘Exercise and Cancer’ project and author of ‘In the face of cancer, move’ (Vergara, 2024), is committed to going beyond walking. “The benefits of oncological exercise in people with cancer are aimed at improving physical capacity and strength. In this sense, walking can help to maintain the general state of health, but it has been observed that it It is not enough to improve cognitive ability, strength, functionality, or nerve regeneration. Therefore, it is necessary to have specific protocols, combining cardiovascular exercises, strength exercises, nerve exercises and stretching, and according to the level and needs of each individual. Individualized.Patient. Perform initial assessment, obtain clinical and sports history or adapt exercises to patients’ limitations. When it comes to designing effective programs that improve patients’ health and quality of life, fundamental issues arise after certain treatments.

So what are we left with, running or walking? Well, depends on, From our physical condition, from our objectives, but, above all, from the personal recommendations of experts in the matter. Don’t mess with your health!

(TagstoTranslate)Healthy Living/Wellness(T)Running(T)Articles Gema Garcia Marcos(T)HBPR

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