What is known so far about the possible date of the presidential elections in Venezuela?

Image of the logo of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the national flag of Venezuela in front of its headquarters in Caracas, taken on March 8, 2023. (Photo by Miguel Zambrano/AFP)

Although Nicolas Maduro’s administration and the Venezuelan opposition agreed to hold presidential elections in 2024, the electoral process remains in limbo without a set date or clear conditions. As time goes on, the Chavista dictatorship has continued to attack dissent, close democratic spaces, and disqualify candidates because it knows that their time in the elections is certain defeat.

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The world’s eyes are on Venezuela, which is facing a situation of political uncertainty that has worsened following the approval of 15 years of political ineligibility for opposition candidate María Corina Machado, the arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance of part of her campaign team. Has been. Human rights activist Rocío San Miguel.

For María Corina Machado’s political wing, Vente Venezuela, these arrests are “part of a systematic pattern of human rights violations that the regime has committed against political leaders, social leaders, human rights activists and civil society who have bravely tried to raise our voices.” Have decided.” For citizens to reclaim democracy, the rule of law and the freedom of this country through the exercise of their social and political rights.”

In this context, the presidential elections scheduled for 2024 are presented as an opportunity to seek a democratic solution to the crisis, but also as a challenge for Chavismo to guarantee participation, transparency and legitimacy of the process. Has been done However, in the political landscape of Maduro and his leadership, the scenario of free elections with guarantees for all is not part of their priorities.

The Human Rights Watch (HRW) organization has warned in its annual report that presidential elections in Venezuela will lose their legitimacy if opposition leader María Corina Machado is not rehabilitated.

José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at HRW, said, “Machado’s disqualification is another example of how the Maduro government uses the judicial system to persecute and punish its political opponents.”

Doubts remain about the validity and transparency of these elections. They are perhaps Venezuelans’ last hope to get rid of Maduro, who has clung to power since the death of Hugo Chávez in 2013.

It is to be hoped that international pressure will contribute to ensuring that the electoral process is effectively independent with respect to the results. However, for the most important election in the country’s history, Venezuelans still don’t know where and when they are going to vote.

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