What is Miley looking for at the Davos forum?

(CNN Spanish) — Argentinian President Javier Meili is in Switzerland from Tuesday to attend the World Economic Forum, which takes place every year in the city of Davos. The meeting, which is attended by economic, financial and political leaders from around the world, is “the forum of global capitalism that includes not only the democratic capitalist world, but also China, Russia and the Arab countries, meaning that it goes beyond international Political-ideological conflict,” according to political scientist Fabien Calle.

Miley travels there for what will be her first world appearance in these specialties. He is supported by Argentina’s Chancellor Diana Mondino; Chief of Staff, Nicholas Posey; the Minister of the Economy, Luis Caputo, and the Secretary General of the Presidency, the President’s sister Karina Milli.

President’s goals

The President’s visit to the Forum includes an already scheduled meeting with the Economy Minister, Luis Caputo, and Chief of Staff, Nicolas Posey, and is expected to meet with Gita Gopinath, Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. Managing Director of the organization, Kristalina Georgieva.

This follows an agreement between government officials and the organization’s technical mission that visited Buenos Aires last week. To activate the disbursement of US$4.7 billion to the country, that understanding must now be approved by the IMF Board.

Interaction with IMF leaders is one of the keys to the visit. “This meeting is important, because it could give Argentina a new support from the IMF, after last week’s negotiations, which, in my opinion, ended in a tie, because the government avoided negotiating a new agreement, but This was not enough “The fund will build a bridge that will allow us to better reach the end of March, when the settlement of the coarse harvest will begin,” says Miguel Ponce, an expert on international trade.

Beyond the specific conversation with the IMF, analysts agree that Miley’s presence at Davos creates expectations, as investors and world leaders want to know her ideas and the scope of her government program. How can the President, who has been in office for just over a month, take advantage of the platform of the World Economic Forum?

For economist Enrique Szewach, “Miley is trying to bring about a regime change that involves greater Western capitalist international involvement that is more friendly to the market and foreign investment. Given Argentina’s reputation, obviously everyone wants to believe it, but it all adds up and face-to-face personal relationships help.

According to analyst Fabien Calle, the exposure may be in Miley’s favor. “The President is going to try in Davos to make investors believe in his economic program and his initiatives. And it has benefited from its widespread international influence and the interest it has generated. “Whether through criticism or praise, he is the Argentine politician who has generated the most interest globally,” he says.

For his part, Ponce warns of the risks. “I believe the President should be prudent. This is his first inning in the big leagues. Let us hope that you will take advantage of this and there will be no disruptive elements that will continue to affect our reputation internationally, which is very weak.

Its main objective is to reduce the uncertainty with which the world views us. It is necessary for the well-being of Argentina to end the ideology of diplomatic relations. We cannot continue to damage our commercial and economic relations,” he says.

first definitions

After the President’s arrival in Europe, the Office of the President gives its account to the world”.

Caputo and Posey’s meeting with Gopinath is believed to be preparation for Miley’s meeting with Georgieva on Wednesday. According to information released by Telem news agency, Georgieva valued the progress seen in the Argentine economy since the inauguration of the new president.

On the other hand, Presidential Spokesperson Manuel Adorni confirmed this Tuesday that Miley will also have a meeting with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, about which he did not give further details.

The wait will end this Wednesday, when the presidential agenda will intensify and the world will know what the Argentine President has to say.

(TagstoTranslate)Davos(T)Xavier Miley

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